

Responses from twoleftears

Help with Hum issues.
Step 1: identify the culprit by a process of elimination.If you swop the IC's from the source to the preamp over, does the hum change sides, or stay the same.  If it stays the same, it's not the source.Restore source to normal, and swop IC's over ... 
Recommended Speaker Design for Corner / Near-Wall Placement?
Nobody's mentioned Larsen yet. 
Amp & Speaker Synergy
Having heard the Fritz Carrera's driven by a Modwright 300B headphone amp at CAF, we know it doesn't necessarily need a lot of power, and that tubes are OK.  But that doesn't necessary mean that that is the direction to go it.  A bit more power mi... 
Integrated Amp $1200 or less
The Ayre is a very good option.  Otherwise, look for a used Belles Aria integrated.  This model are exceptional and would be a perfect match to the Fritz. 
Help with Hum issues.
Is the hum emanating from the amp or from the speakers or both?Same speakers as previous house?Does it move to the other speakers if you hook the left speaker wires to the right-side amp output? 
Spendor D7 vs. Harbeth Super HL5+
Remember, people, that Spendor still actually makes the Classic line of speakers, that derives from the BBC heritage. https://www.spendoraudio.com/classic-loudspeakers/  
What integrated would you recommend for summer amp?
I'm guessing the Nagra was a little over 1K, the OP's goal.Nothing too tempting at 1K on the 'gon right now. 
I just added a new component to my VS, it's not getting posted on the forum.
That webpage is tricky.  You think you've added or changed a component, but then you have to click on save or add or somesuch right at the bottom scrolling down, or your addition is not actually saved when you navigate away from that page. 
Passive Bookshelf Speaker Selection
50% off new! These are great. Your problem solved within your price range.https://www.musicdirect.com/speakers/wharfedale-denton-80th-anniversary-bookshelf-speakers-pr?variant=AWFDENTON&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsYyErJH16QIVCIiGCh05cgZjEAYYASABEgLBXvD... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
Bel Canto e1X, stable into 2 ohms.  See recent Stereophile review.https://belcantodesign.com/pdfs/e1X%20one%20sheet%202019.pdf You're welcome, George. 
Who are the Kings of Audiogon?
FYI, Elizabeth posting today on Audio Circle.  About Pangea power cords and little blocks of exotic woods.  Plus ca change... 
Speakers that are a great value!
Sigh. Another thread nearly derailed by kenjit.Remember: what we're talking about here are not just good-sounding speakers, but good-sounding speakers where it's really demonstrable that you're getting real value for money, not some ineffable buil... 
Threads worth reading!
Can we put him on double secret probation? 
Why no Virtual System pics??
Porches. Just what I always wanted. Lots of swings, rockers, cold lemonade, and lazy conversation. 
Harbeth Super HL5 plus Break-in
I have about 60 hours on 40.2's right now.  Frankly, they sounded great out of the box, but around the 50 hour mark there was some kind of fairly minor change, a little more relaxed, in the sense that I could turn the amp down a notch or two and s...