

Responses from twoleftears

GE Triton 2+ or Focal Aria 936?
I think you're limiting yourself in making the choice between just those two.For instance, how about a Vandersteen III? 
What are the most used terms that say the least in the "High-End"?
Looking for input on CD players
Having owned the BCD-1 for many years and been very pleased with it (and with the excellent support from Mike and the crew at Bryston), I moved up to the BCD-3.  I like this new unit very much, but I don't love it.  It is very neutral, not ruthles... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Besides the Sugden, there's the Belles SA-30, also 30w, at $5K. 
Switch from AB to D
$750 is really pushing it.  I would steer clear of NuPrime.  I doubt you can get anything decent-sounded below the price of this.https://www.cherryamp.com/product-page/stereo-maraschino-stm  
Itching to upgrade preamp...
Rogue RP-7. 
Switch from AB to D
It's going to be difficult to find an *inexpensive* class D amp that gives you the kind of sonic presentation that you're looking for.You might look at thesehttps://www.cherryamp.com/ and see the threads on them over at AudioCircle. 
How to add depth for classical music
I'll echo others in saying that if you want to spend your money wisely, ignore any advice from millercarbon.Image depth is almost always dependent on how far out your speakers are from the front wall (the wall behind them).  The further out, the d... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Thanks for the recommendations.  Sitting here checking them out while listening to the wonderful Danil Trifonov and the Etudes d'Execution Transcendante.  Splendid pianism. 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Accuphase A-30 or A-65.Or you could try looking at the top of Sugden's line. 
***All-in-one integrated***$5000.00-$7500.00***Class A/B only***Stellar Headphone***
How about Sim Moon audio.  More refined than Bryston. 
4 or 8 ohm connection for a 6 ohm speaker?
It makes sense to try the lower tap first, but there definitely have been cases of particular combinations of amp and speaker where the tap a little over the nominal impedance sounds better.  Of course, if you ever look at some measurements, nomin... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
Yes, but only if they have an 8-track instead. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
denizens of this thread:I'm feeling like another version of Beethoven 3.  I saw there was a recording by Barbirolli that looked rather tempting; anything else you would recommend? 
Male to male XLR question
If they assemble the cables+connectors with the directionality of the cable wrong, you'd screwed--no reversing.