

Responses from twoleftears

I accept the fact that one may need to invite two burly friends over to help to move to speakers, but I resist components for which you need an engine hoist cherry picker to maneuver into place. 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Too much flux smoke. 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
Zesto Leto Ultra. 
Singular Amplification Experience; Review Now Published
Here's Audiogon in a nutshell.  Nine responses into this thread, and nine comments on the amp stand. Score so far:amplifier electronics, sound, synergy, etc. etc. 0ampstand 9 
Fleetwood Sound Company
I'd much rather own some of these.http://www.jwmacoustics.com/index-1 Reviews are very good and the workmanship is extraordinary. 
Seeking power conditioner recommendations / hum elimination
Start here.https://www.psaudio.com/ps_how/how-to-find-and-fix-hum-extended/  
Bookshelf/ Monitors for bedroom setup - Revel/ Dynaudio/ Spendor
There are several different generations of the 2/3.  So long as the ones you're looking at aren't too old, those would be the ones I'd go for.  Plenty of reviews on-line. 
Will this amp trick work for increasing bass performance?
Just to be clear, there are two versions of bi-amping, vertical and horizontal.Horizontal, you use one amp on the bass inputs of both speakers, and one on the upper frequencies. In this arrangement, if certain requirements are met, you can use a m... 
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
Many Spatial threads over on AudioCircle, where Spatial is a significant presence.  They definitely have some kind of try-at-home deal. 
Seeking power conditioner recommendations / hum elimination
It's extremely unlikely that anything in that price range will deal with the hum.  In fact, it's possible no after-market product will eliminate the hum.  The first thing to do is to discover exactly where it's coming from and what it causing it. ... 
mice ate insulation off many small wires inside TT. Liquid Electrical Tape, .......????
In the southern hemisphere, is directionality reversed (like water in the sink drain)? 
Really need some help finding a full range speaker
Proac DT would be an excellent fit.https://www.whathifi.com/us/proac/response-dt8/review  
Rogue Sphinx or Belles Aria???
As good as the Sphinx is, the Belles is the one to go for.  When people get a chance to hear it, they buy it.  Call Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection and see if he doesn't convince you. 
Lively, fast & open sounding integrated under 3k?
A warm DAC?
Didn't Metrum close down?