
Responses from tonyptony

Small - but GOOD - active speakers for MC
Thanks Marco. I'd heard ATC was pricey but I didn't realize how much so for the actives. I think M&K might be more in my target range. And even at that, used. 
Small - but GOOD - active speakers for MC
Small - but GOOD - active speakers for MC
Hmm, any idea where one could get ATC actives here in the U.S.? I'm in the greater Philadelphia area. 
Opinions on lower priced digital that can compete
Tplavas, what were your thoughts on the Signal Silver? 
Opinions on lower priced digital that can compete
Great input from the gang here, as I expected. :-) There are a bunch of good folks on the 'gon. To help further, I have two places where I need a decent digital cable. The first will go from my Marantz DV9500 to my heavily modified EAD mutlichanne... 
Opinions on lower priced digital that can compete
I've heard much about the Stereovox, Tvad, but there are some reports on AA suggesting it may be a little lean. But that may have been more so for the HDXV. 
Sound of Pass Labs xono preamp in 2 versions
I spoke with Pass this morning.Curious, did they also tell you that there is no sonic difference between the two styles of PS? 
One hum problem solved, another remains
Update: I disconnected the CATV line and heard no real improvement. So I took the next (what should have been the first) step and disconnected / reconnected all my line level cables. I'm assuming it must have been this, because now the buzzing (it... 
Sound of Pass Labs xono preamp in 2 versions
Lornoah, I can't answer for the Xono, but the issue is the same for the Pass preamps. I the case of the preamps I spoke to Wayne at Pass Labs (I have the X1 with the smaller chassis PS). Wayne told me there is no performance or sound quality diffe... 
One hum problem solved, another remains
Riffer, where did you get one? 
One hum problem solved, another remains
Amandarae, I'm using PAD Venustas from the pre to the amp. These are very well shielded. But, I am using unshielded Kimber KCAG from the phono pre to the pre. I can replace these as a test with shielded ICs. But if it was coming from this area I s... 
One hum problem solved, another remains
Boa, John, I have a Van Alstine FetValve, which is a tube hybrid. But the driving stage is FET (not tube), and I never heard this in the other room. In this room there is a lot more stuff, including my HT setup (such as it is). I've heard that ana... 
Analogue Synergy....Which is the best Cartridge?
I mean, look at Van Alstine-his gear is great sounding, well made, reliable and very seldom seen on the used market.You're talking to someone who owns a FetValve 550EXR, and won't replace it for anything at 2-3 times its price, even if I wanted to... 
Is there a way to clean...
Been late getting back to this. I'd like to refine the question toward the cleaners themselves. Does anyone have any thoughts as to which of the major cleaners (if any) lead the pack when used with manual application? 
Analogue Synergy....Which is the best Cartridge?
Psychicanimal, I'm not a dealer, and I have no dog in this hunt. I own one cart with a VdH Type 1 stylus, an A-T with a Micro Linear, and the 103R. I go back far enough in record playing (about 30 years) to have had a few others. At least for me, ...