
Responses from tonyptony

Enlightened Audio designs
Ask him if he still has any remaining original upgrade kits for the Mk.I. These were designed by EAD for EAD owners to bring it up to a Mk.II. Not too difficult to do youself if you have a little skill with a soldering iron. 
Enlightened Audio designs
Tex, is the a DSP-7000 Mk.I, II, or III? They are all good (I've owned all three), but if you have a Mk.III then you've got the last and best version. I still use it, and like Jsadurni have compared it against many other units. More importantly ma... 
Rega Saturn. Is it really a giant killer?
but ultimately I prefer the Cambridge Audio Azur 840C to either of these playersMr_m, why so? 
Bedini 801 or Audire Forte amps
South, I am very familiar with the Bedini sound, having owned over the years a 25/25, 250/250, and then an 803. Have never heard the Audire. The 80x series of Bedini amps are as musical as all get out, but do have some limitations - one of which i... 
Note worthy Omni Directional Speakers..
If you mean more than strictly omni then I would add Shahinian. 
Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.
I met JGH at a few CESes during the mid to late 80s. As indicated above he was a straight shooter. I liked him. Too bad his creation wound up getting hijacked by many of the wrong thinkers. IMO of course. 
best sub 1k phono stage?
What about the Plinius Jarrah? 
Anyone tried the Zu Denon 103 yet?
Hdm, in regard to changing too much of the natural coherence of the 103R, I tend to agree with you on this point. Cmk above seems to have had good luck with a retip. From his descrition it sounds like the essential character of the Denon remains.M... 
Anyone tried the Zu Denon 103 yet?
Hdm, these are all very good points you raise. I would add that another option is the mods that are done by Soundsmith up in Peekskill, NY.There is a fellow on AA that had written up a very detailed positive review of a Uwe bodied 103R. I guess th... 
Anyone tried the Zu Denon 103 yet?
Yeah, I had the same feeling about this. I would have liked to have read a comparison which included the 103R. Better yet, I'd have been interested to find out if Zu was considering this same kind of mod for the "R". 
Led Zeppelin-newly remastered
The 180g 4 lp limited edition box set, remastered half speed at RTI by Stan Ricker is now due for release on 31 March 2008Is this the same as what was mentioned in the modernguitars web article, or yet another (different) vinyl release?It appears,... 
Slim Devices SB3 external hard drive
I have 7211 FLAC compressed songs on my 300GB drive and it is about 66% full. Figure something around 18,000 songs for a 500GB drive if you use FLAC and the assortment is about the same (jazz, rock, classical - small and symphonic). Not sure how A... 
What to use if I just want one cleaning fluid?
Thanks everybody. To Rgordonpf, I have maybe about only 200 records right now, but with the seeming growth in the last few years of 180 and 200 gram, and 45RPM releases I have started to occasionally buy some new disks, so I guess it may get a bit... 
Speaker life expectancy: How long can you buy used
My Shahinian Diapasons are coming up on 20 years old. It was only this year that I had to replace the passive radiators. When mine were built the passives used a foam type surround. It took about 19 years for them to distintegrate. Fortunately Sha... 
Luciano Pavarotti dead at 71
If you don't already have it, get the Decca (London) recording of him in the William Tell. One can debate the Muti recording on Philips being a better musical performance, but on this Luciano's voice is glorious.