
Responses from tonyptony

In search of more power ... MF? V Alstine?
Danny, I own the FetValve 550EXR. The quality of the amp is excellent. Frank van Alstine does not use solid gold binding posts, or lamb placenta chassis linings to absorb EMI. He builds well designed components without pomp, but in a very well exe... 
Opinions on speaker cable upgrade
John, on some of the other threads which discussed the AA interconnects there was the general agreement that they take upwards of several hundred hours to break in. Do you have any thoughts regarding the break in time for the AA speaker cables? 
Pass Labs x350.5 & Classe ca-m400 class a power?
Tboooe, of the pairs you've suggested I can only say that I own the X1, and have heard the x350.5 (but that was not in my system). The X1 is an awesomely quiet, very neutral preamp. Nicely extended in both directions, with a very nice midrange. It... 
What is best hybrid at sane price point?
Chazz, if you want a hybrid amp with a glass front end then you must add the Van Alstine FetValve to the list. I was a solid state guy for a long time and recently went to a FetValve 550EXR. Very much a glimpse into the best of both worlds. It's f... 
Is the Pass Labs X350.5 and X1 "warm"?
Kevziek, I may not have expressed myself clearly. I did not say there was no difference between the two; what I did say was that I could be happy with either one. Either has its strengths and weaknesses. Yes, they are different, but your descripti... 
Eichmann Bullet Connector versus XLR
Al, it may have more to do with your preamp and driving sources. Is the preamp a true fully balanced design, or does it just convert a single ended signal to support a balanced connector? In that case you'd be going through extra circuitry using t... 
Is the Pass Labs X350.5 and X1 "warm"?
"The X1 is not a warm preamp. To my ears, it has a rather clinical and bare midrange that does not have a cohesiveness to it. Voices do not sound "whole", they sound pieced together."Kevziek, I'm not sure I understand this. I've been using an X1 s... 
Squeeze Box upgrades
Yes, my design is based in part on the info posted by Wayne and others in that "circle" during the evolution of his various power supplies.The current dilemma is around the argument of massive capacitance before and after the regulator (Wayne and ... 
Squeeze Box upgrades
Thanks Ck. I've been running my SB3 (unmodded, but with one of those Elpac linear power supplies) as a digital source into my (heavily modded) EAD DSP7000 Mk.III. The SB3 does sound pretty great for the money (but not quite as good as my PDT3), an... 
Squeeze Box upgrades
"Hi - I have both and they are both very fine units"ck, have I asked you this already? How would you describe the differences between the two modded units? And is your Bolder mod'ed unit using one of Wayne's upgraded power supplies? 
Squeeze Box upgrades
Take a look on Both Bolder and Red Wine have "circles" (forums) there and there is a lot of discussion about these mods. There is also a Square Circle circle, where everything having to do with PC driven audio is discussed. There ... 
New Jersey Audio Dealers
Mechans, I'm in the South Jersey area also and have to agree. There's nothing around here in the state, and not really much of a great selection in Philly when you consider the size of the city. 
Revisiting the Kimber KCAG
Well, I'm currently trying Acoustic Zen Silver Reference cables, and I have to say so far they sound pretty good in my system. They seem to be as transparent as the KCAGs, but with much better space. Definitely better from the mids to the low end.... 
Revisiting the Kimber KCAG
Well, I've heard the 1010 (a little too warm in my system), and I can't afford the 1030, even used. I was hoping to find something no more than about $500/m used. 
Revisiting the Kimber KCAG
Overhang, does your audio memory go back far enough to remember why the Straightwires were better than the KCAGs? What was your system like at the time?