

Responses from tony1954

2023 Audio System Wish List
@stereo5  My advise is to listen to your wife, like you always do. She is right about staying positive. And certainly don't pay any attention to what happened to your co-workers. They aren't you. Besides, the statistics are now on your side. G... 
2023 Audio System Wish List
Wishlist for 2023: 1. That 2023 doesn't suck as badly as 2022. 2. Upgrade most of my cabling. Both power and signal. 3. Perhaps new speakers if the sale of my analog equipment and media goes well.  
What are your top 3 favorite female singers?
Only three? You're out of my will. 1. Linda Ronstadt 2. Joni Mitchell 3. Amy Winehouse (4. Joyce DiDonato)  
Opinions on A/C Noise Meter EMI Testers
I purchase a used AM transistor radio from the 1970's. Turn it on, tune it in between stations and hold it close to whatever you are worried about as a potential source of problems. The bigger the problem, the more static you hear. Cost me $10,... 
Classical music newbie needs your suggestions
Don't be too hasty in discarding the opera.  I was of the same opinion regarding classical music versus opera and now I listen to opera exclusively. @thomas_vick Is correct. Start with Puccini and enjoy the ride.    
After fifty years… amazing. What high end audio can be.
Congratulations on your happy landing after what was no doubt, a long and interesting journey. That you achieved all of this, despite the handicap of using round copper is truly amazing.  
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
@erik_squires  Once I started cooking Thai recipes, a love  like of cilantro soon followed.  
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
@erik_squires  I see. Like learning how to appreciate scotch, malbec wines or cilantro. Good luck with it and Happy Holidays.  
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
I guess my question would be "Why bother?" If she doesn't do it for you, why not just move on to someone else? Some people love rap music, but I don't lose sleep over it.    
@thespeakerdude + 2  
Has anyone heard of Audiocadabra cables?
Call me suspicious, but Audiocadabra is selling all lengths of their power cable for the same price of $189.00. 2.5M or 4M, same price. Why would any company do that?  
Reterminating Audioquest Hurricane HC
Although I have never had the pleasure of experiencing an AQ Dragon cable, it seems to me that an aftermarket adapter plug or a DIY plug replacement are both inferior options, especially replacing the plug yourself. Regardless of the level of con... 
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over.............
I could never pick just one, so I will take a pass on this one.  
Songs of debauchery and excess
Mothers of Invention "Mudshark" The Small Faces "Itchycoo Park" The Rolling Stones "Sister Morphine" The Rolling Stones "Mothers Little Helper" Brewer & Shipley "One Toke Over The Line" The Byrds "Eight Miles High" JJ Cale "Cocaine" Jef... 
The "What's is worth to you" thread
That's interesting. I have two copies of that issue that are in excellent condition.