

Responses from tony1954

ATC SCM19 V2 Recommendations.
@kota1  I had a look at the Dolby site, but everything seemed to be linked to Dolby Atmos? You should check out the Audio Physic speaker placement. I thought it was more progressive and more suited to two channel setups.  
ATC SCM19 V2 Recommendations.
@lonemountain @kota1 Thanks. Due to the limits of the rooms 12’ distance from front wall to back wall, I will be doing more of a nearfield setup. I am guessing about 6’ from just behind my head to the top of the woofer. Distance between the spea... 
ATC SCM19 V2 Recommendations.
@elliottbnewcombjr  Thanks for the tip. I actually have an older RadioShack SPL around somewhere and I think Tidal has some test tones available. At the moment I am doing some research into long wall placement using the Audio Physic guide. I re... 
Anthem vs Arcam
Can I offer some advise. If you want people to help you and offer actual advice, delete Audio Science Review from your life. ASR does not actually review audio components. They measure them and base everything on the numbers. Kind of like review... 
Over or under? - Standmount isolation
I think it would depend a lot on the design and quality of the stand you are using. If the centre of gravity is near the bottom of the stands then it shouldn't "wobble". Then adding isolation to the stand would be the best option.    
Five-channel, two-zone preamp?
@erik_squires  "Anthem processor with a 2 Channel system that has HT bypass" Exactly what I did. Anthem allows you pre-out just the front channels and my Musical Fidelity M6si has a HT bypass. Works like a charm. Waste of time trying to find a... 
Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues
@clearthinker  "it would appear no-one else understands these systems either. " No one said digital was easy.  No one said that trying to solve someone's issues from across the country was easy. What no one said was that because digital isn't ... 
Universal remote for Anthem 8k units
I just purchased a new LG OLED tv and my Harmony remote couldn't do anything with it. Ever since Loditech refused to update their software to handle 64 bit, its been a diminishing return. Good news is there may be options for making a profit on i... 
Mini DSP 2x4 Remote question
Remote? I use the MiniDSP to control the four subs in my swarm and I always considered it "set and forget". Like having a remote for your toaster.  
Perhaps a guilty pleasure....
Music is food for the soul. And like food it comes in endless varieties. Personally, my music collection includes everything from Tool to Mariah Carey. Vive la difference!    
Anyone else have issues with Tidal?
@tazi57  If you expecting anything in the way of a response or "customer service" you are wasting your time. I had my credit card expire and what should have been a straight forward solution, somehow morphed into my eventually having to switch t... 
That funky sticky remote
I had it with the body of a Bluesound Node and never did figure out  how to fix it. Just took the loss when I sold it.  
Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues
@brewerslaw Just curious, but exactly what was the issue with the Aries that was "hammered out"? Despite what you think about the USB, I would swap it for either another USB or a coaxial cable, just to eliminate it as a suspect. Like playing C... 
Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues
@clearthinker  "Junk this digital crap and get some LPs or else become Albert Einstein" Just because you can't understand something is no reason to call it crap. Not very clear thinking I would say.  
Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues
Hmmm..... Pink Floyd sounds great. Motley Crue sounds like garbage. Perhaps your Morrow cable has become sentient and has good taste in music.