

Responses from tomcy6

What percentage of digital vs. analog?
so many people wanting to ditch their record collection, where can they be bought? See the "Music" section of the Classifieds.  
12AU7 Gain Question
The right tube tester will give you the gain for each triode, but I don’t think that a 12AU7 can have a gain of 2016, that number may just be to mark the box of the tube intended for your power amp. I think you have 3 tubes with a gain of 16 for e... 
"The Ultra High-End Speaker."
The Salon’s are great speakers but they’re not the peak of the speaker designer’s art. I don’t think that you can get the measure of a speaker at a show or dealer’s shop. I think you have to live with them for a while. Especially the ultra-high-e... 
Anyone else suffering with Qobuz tonight
It's working well in Tucson AZ,  
Rumors of CD Demise Exagerated? New Hegel
There is absolutely no need for many items to end up in a Landfill, @pindac Believe it or not, you are going to die one day. At that point you lose control over what happens to your physical media collection. You may make plans for it to be wel... 
Rumors of CD Demise Exagerated? New Hegel
Streaming tends to be a "Bounce around" affair with listening to a half song of this and a half song of another artist and 15 seconds of another artist I frequently read this argument against streaming in forums and even in the audiophile magaz... 
The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings
I don't think it's a good development.  it's another step on the road to completely synthetic music.  Who needs artists?  They're such a pain in the butt.  
Can a tube short without blowing?
Tube testers for preamp tubes have a short test on them and they tell you if a tube fails this test to turn off the tester and dispose of the tube.  So I guess that means yes to that question.  
Warm vs Revealing—the struggle for balance
It sounds like your problem might be bright gear not revealing gear. A system can be very revealing and not be fatiguing. I’d start with a pair of speakers that you really like. Then get an amp which pairs well with those speakers, and so on. Thi... 
Tube Testing Service Recommendation
Thanks for the information.  Sounds like a useful service.  
Hissing at idle through one amp but not another
Yes trying another preamp should tell if the problem is in the Ayon or the Lamm, or maybe the combination of the two.  Let us know how it goes.  
Hissing at idle through one amp but not another
Tubes can hiss.  It's a common problem.  You can try different tubes one set at a time (preamp tubes, power tubes).  That's where I would start.  
MULLARD 12au7 longevity
If you like the tubes and amp, get a backup pair and occasionally swap them.  When the new pair sounds better than the old, it's time for the new pair to stay in for the next five to ten thousand hours. I don't keep track of how many hours my tub... 
Jay's "Ugly Truth" video
Of course becoming obsessed with anything to the extent that it damages your relationship with your family is a problem. I’m glad that Jay has realized that audio has become a problem for him and I applaud him for telling us in case someone else i... 
What happen to MQA on Tidal?
Here is a press release about MQA: In order to be in the best position to pursue market opportunities and expedite this process, the company has undergone a restructuring initiative, which includes entering into administration and is comparable t...