

Responses from tomcy6

Does streaming music equate to high concert ticket prices
Ticket prices have been going up steadily for quite a while before streaming became big and hit ridiculous levels a while back. The big-name bands are charging what the market will bear and have learned that there are a lot of people with more mon... 
Can This Really Matter?
I think your SSD is OK where it is. Of course you might get better sound with a dedicated audio server, but then you probably wouldn’t need the Bryston. The Bryston is probably made to optimize sources like yours. I agree a better USB cable is a g... 
Grimm MU1 Roon Question
Do you have a Windows computer?  I just figured out how to do it with one of those.  
Grimm MU1 Roon Question
I’m not sure how to set it up, I’m working on that myself, but I think it’s done in Settings>Storage>Add Folder>+Add network share. On the roon website there is a page called: Adding Folders Using Path. Let us know if you get it sorted ... 
The 300B World
@atmasphere  Stereophile recently reviewed Klipsch La Scalas and measured B-weighted sensitivity of 101/2.83V/m.  The impedance dropped briefly to 4 ohms at 70 Hz, 335 Hz, and at length above 10k Hz.  Would a 300B amp be capable of driving these s... 
Best Speakers for Listening Bar I am building?
First off, I have never heard the speakers I’m about to recommend, but the MBL 101E might be worth consideration. They radiate sound in all directions which might be a plus in positioning in your large space. Their unusual appearance and technolog... 
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
I know that one of the things that my dad was most frustrated about was that when Stereophile was sold to Pearson, Larry Archibald and John Atkinson both got extremely well paid for it and my dad got nothing. Sorry to hear that your dad was tre... 
Reliability of Dan D'Agostino equipment
I also wasn't aware that they were originally Krell?  Dan owned Krell, I think, sold it, became unhappy with the direction of Krell and started D'Agostino.  They have always been two separate companies. I had the budget D'Agostino amp, the Cla... 
Ahmad Jamal passes.
Sad news.  I saw him once many years ago.  A great musician and person.  
The one, the only Garth Hudson.
He is definitely a unique human being and was a big part of making The Band's sound unique.  
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
@jonwolfpell  - What do you think of Tedeschi Truck's Layla Revisited?  IMHO, it ranks up there with the best live rock albums of all time.  I don't understand why more people aren't raving about it.  I'm sure the album sounds better than what peo... 
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
If we visited the listening rooms of all the people on Audiogon who say that their systems sound like real instruments in real spaces, I'm pretty sure each system would sound different from the others.  Then there is the problem of what does real... 
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
While seeking to reproduce the sound of real instruments in a real space is an admirable goal, I don't think it's practical for most people.  If you have a large room, it might be possible to achieve with chamber music (string quartets, etc.) but ... 
Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
He founded Stereophile.  He died in 2009 at which time he was very bitter about the direction of high-end audio and maybe life in general.  
Tidal class-action
@audioisnobiggie  Why only 2.79, when people have been paying an extra $10 for years? Legal fees.