

Responses from tomcy6

Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways
No, this all started from you making the statement, ‘if he (Dylan) wants to be in a rock band....’ and implying his current effort doesn’t meet the classification of a being in a ‘rock band’,Sorry, but that’s not what I said. I was saying that Bob... 
Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways
Rock music is an amalgamation of blues, country, folk, and even a little jazz sometimes, to keep it simple. A full all-encompassing description of what is rock ’n’ roll or rock would take more time than I have left on this earth. Rock became the t... 
Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways
Gee, noone’s ever accused him of that before. 🙄Yeah, but there comes a time when you have to say, enough! it's time to quit, Bob.  You're embarrassing yourself. That time is different for everyone, but he’s reached it for me. 
Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways
I doubt Dylan ever ‘wanted to play in a rock band’.Then why has he been doing it ever since he joined up with The Hawks? 
Bob Dylan - new album just out on Tidal - Rough and Rowdy Ways
I am not too impressed with Bob's raspy, nasal recitations.  He doesn't sing much anymore.  IMHO, he would be better off finding a singer if he still wants to play in a rock band.  I doubt he will give up that much control, though.  I give his alb... 
Integrated Amp (Gryphon, T+A, etc) or DAC + Stereo Amp for B&W 802d3
To georgehifi’s point, when checking specs, it is better to find a review with measurements than look at the manufacturer’s specs. Manufacturer’s often give "nominal" or average specs. An amp that has a 4 ohm impedance spec may dip well below 4 oh... 
New In 2020
@slaw ,+1 on Shelby Lynne. I’d describe the music as "blue eyed soul" and the sound quality is excellent. Shelby is one of the rare artists who care about sound quality.Don't expect The Temptations or Otis Redding, but that's how I'd describe the ... 
Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other
What happens if we consider albums that were recorded digitally? As I understand it, most music has been recorded digitally for the last 40 years. Let’s say it was recorded digitally at 96/24 and I have a download or stream at 96/24 that hasn't be... 
Saved Music Pulled from streaming services!
It's happened to me too.  Maybe the record label cancelled a contract or who knows?It is the danger of streaming that the physical format folks always warn us about... What are you going to do when one day you no longer have access to all your mus... 
Female Vocals - Nora Jones new album - Pick Me Off The Floor
I don't follow Norah closely, so maybe this isn't new, but this album sounds like a more mature artist to me. 
Female Vocals - Nora Jones new album - Pick Me Off The Floor
Very nice album by Norah.  Thanks for the tip. 
Integrated Amp (Gryphon, T+A, etc) or DAC + Stereo Amp for B&W 802d3
I think the T+A could handle the bass with your B&Ws just fine, but talk to someone who knows for sure before spending any money. 
Is darkness a sin?
A small LED flashlight will do the trick. 
Best 6SN7 TUBES out there
Some good opinions here:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/shootout-of-nos-6sn7-tubes 
Tube versus SS
Hi Mike,  I meant 'a' system.  We would all like to have a system like yours, but for many of us, it's not in the cards.  So my question was whether a small regenerator would be adequate for a more modest system.  Thanks again for your reply.