

Responses from tomcy6

Minimum Broadband Speed Necessary For Uninterrupted Qobuz and/or Tidal Listening?
I believe MQA streams at about 1400 kbs, about the same as cd. Here is some info from the Qobuz website about streaming rates: The quality of an audio product is often defined by its bitrate and therefore by its resolution. To reproduce a sound wi... 
Best music in 2020
My favorite jazz album of 2020 is Artemis S/T. 
Has anybody had any reliability issues with VAC amplifiers?
I have a VAC phi 170 IQ power amp.  I haven't put that many hours on it but have had no problems with it, not even a hiccup. 
Square Buys Majority Share in Tidal
I didn't read anything in that article about upping the payments to artists, so I can't get too excited about the purchase. 
High Gain?
There is usually a spec titled Gain.  It is usually given in both preamp and amp specs.  It can vary from 3dB to 29dB and probably higher in preamps.Most preamps are higher gain and, actually, having too much gain in our preamps and amps is more o... 
Martin logan Impression 11a
I haven’t read about anyone else having this problem. You need to talk to your dealer or ML about finding out what is causing the panel to fail. It sounds like there is some problem that may continue to cause panels to fail until you’re out of war... 
3D lifelike sound and impeccable measurements - mutually exclusive???
No, good measurements and good sound are not mutually exclusive, but good measurements don’t ensure good sound.  Poor measurements don't ensure good sound either.For example, Pass Labs preamps and amps measure well and most people think they sound... 
Amperex "Bugle Boy" tube compatibility
Wouldn’t Amperex "Bugle Boy" ECC88s, if BB ECC88s were ever actually made by Amperex, be a premium value in tube world? If so, you can bet someone somewhere has made some fakes of it. Yes. So what? Are they cranking out these fakes at such a high ... 
Amperex "Bugle Boy" tube compatibility
From your description,  No.  The E88CC, 6DJ8 family of tubes are 6 volt tubes and the 12AX7 are 12 volt.  It shouldn't be hard  to find tubes of the E88CC, 6DJ8 family. 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
I think that jazz is one of the most diverse genres.  I say that I love jazz, about 1% of it anyway.  There is tons of jazz that will drive me out of the room, no matter how good the recording.  To illustrate I used to get a jazz magazine, Jazziz,... 
Stirring Up Trouble
But the upside can’t be ignored. Watch Trainspotting, which portrays the scourgey part of the scourge as painfully as any movie I know. But the main character says, “Why do you think we devote our lives to it? We’re not idiots. Imagine the best or... 
Luxman tonality
millercarbon you really nailed this comment well.“What happened was we stopped listening and started measuring“ I have never heard of anyone who chose an amp by measuring it rather than listening to it.  Have you guys?  I think the testing gear... 
Luxman tonality
Isn’t it generally agreed that euphony can be achieved by boosting second order harmonics? Nelson Pass did this with his .8 series of amps. Rolling off the high frequencies a little doesn’t hurt either.I read an article about one of his recent amp... 
Burned Out
Tell us how your tube amp was damaged.  Did it work correctly with any of the tubes?  Give us more detail on how your preamp went downhill, tube by tube, and ended up not functioning. Maybe we can help you out. 
members and their systems
@glupson,  I know I'm in the wrong thread here, but do you have any new insights into the hot stamper Emotional Rescue?  Have you listened to it some more?  Has anyone else listened to it and opined?