

Responses from tomcy6

Who has heard and can comment on any of these brands??
It's been a while, but I found Audio Physic speakers to have plenty of detail but not engaging, i.e. unmusical.  
432 EVO
Thanks for the report @thyname.  If I understand you correctly, you compared the 432 Aeon (into which Dac?) to your Modwright OPPO (which model?) and liked what you heard using a $3,000 USB cable enough that you ordered the Aeon?  You found your ... 
LaScala dac with telefunken tubes
OK.  Thanks @designsfx   I just wanted to clarify.  It's been a while since I've seen anyone supplying NOS tubes as stock.   
LaScala dac with telefunken tubes
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that the Telefunkens supplied by Aqua are NOS.  There are new production Telefunkens being made in Russia by the same people who make the Gold Lions, which is also a classic tube brand that was originally made ... 
The Beatles Revolver
I’m not against remixes in general. It wouldn’t be done if Paul, Ringo, Yoko and Olivia didn’t approve it. The Beatles were one of the first groups to push the envelope on what could be done in the studio, so it seems likely to me that they would... 
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
Two points I'd like to make. 1. Overusing the F word and playing bad music and singing off key is not edgy or artistic. 2. The US - Europe relationship bears no resemblance to the clip from Total Recall.  Does anyone think that Stalin would have... 
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
I think you’re playing dumb @hilde45.  People don’t object to musicians talking about the music or telling funny stories or jokes. These "Storyteller" type concerts are popular. What people object to is being subjected to stupid and hypocritical ... 
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
It always puzzles me why people like Roger always live in the countries they despise and are happy to take the money of the people of those countries. You’d think they wouldn’t want to dirty their hands with that filthy lucre. People like Roger ne... 
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
Roger has a lot of issues. He is very wealthy and could probably do a lot of good for a lot of people, but he’d rather rant about what other people should do from the stage while he makes even more money. It doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s li... 
Record collecting versus hoarding
Before streaming became an option you had to buy an album to hear it. I have bought many albums without hearing them first. Some lived up to my expectations others didn’t. Sometimes I thought maybe I just need to live with an album and eventually ... 
To ROON or not to ROON ?
What I like about roon is the new music it leads me to (with a subscription to Qobuz or Tidal).  When you play an album it will offer suggestions of other albums you may like.  It can also learn your tastes by you liking or disliking songs on roon... 
Joni Mitchell remasters on the way
12DR sounds excellent and the listening I did this afternoon also sounded excellent.  I'm looking forward to giving them some quality listening time.  
Joni Mitchell remasters on the way
I’m listening to Court and Spark 2022 remaster right now from Amazon Music through a soundbar and it sounds great. The albums were released last Friday, the 23d. I think they’ll sound good on a better system. They don’t appear to be compressed. I ... 
Esoteric D1vu plus N-05 or N-01
@arcmania  Are you talking about the N-01XD or the older non-XD models?  
MoFi controversy
Yes some people are really upset that MoFi vinyl has a digital step in the process that no one was informed of.  There is a thread on this over a thousand pages long on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums.  I suggest that anyone who wants delve deep in...