

Responses from tomcy6

Tube Preamps
You can get a bigger improvement in sound by changing your speakers. B&W have a reputation for being bright. Keep your NAD sell the B&Ws and Rotel pre and amp and get a better pair of speakers. 
Understanding Tube Test Results
The minimum good reading for these tubes on this tester is 1800, these days minimum good is considered 65% of the average score for a new tube which in this case would be 2800.Each tube has two triodes so there are two scores for each tube. These ... 
MFSL cd's vs. Redbook cd's
As Rja said Music Direct has started reissuing certain titles on gold cd under the Mobile Fidelity label within about the last year. You can see the titles on their web site.You can buy one or two of these to see if they are worth the extra money ... 
apodizing filter sonics
I have a Ayre CX-7eMP. I bought it used after it had been upgraded to MP status. I have not been able to compare it to other players or even listen to it a lot yet, but I can say a couple things about it. It is a big step forward in cd playback. I... 
So, What is the Verdict on the Beatles Box Sets?
Wireless, I hope that making posts like yours give you great enjoyment because you seem to be missing the point of listening to music. It is to enjoy the music. Not because you own a "better" version than other people, but because the music moves ... 
So, What is the Verdict on the Beatles Box Sets?
The living Beatles approved the remasterings. I think they could have gotten them pressed on purple vinyl in mono if they felt that was the only proper way to hear them. They probably will be reissued on vinyl in mono at some point as well as othe... 
So, What is the Verdict on the Beatles Box Sets?
Can anyone put up a link to graphs that show the compression and EQing of the remasters compared to the original vinyl? 
Primaluna tube amps...
Great sound, great build, and autobias for the power tubes. They're a great deal. 
Been listening to The Beatles ...
Yeah, they sound great. The early albums' strength is an infectious joyfulness. I think that if Traffic had kept Dave Mason and not gone off in that jazzy direction but stayed in the classic rock vein, they might have given the Beatles some compet... 
No preamp 'Balance' control?
I think that most people do not have symetrical dedicated listening rooms so balance controls are necessary for many.I don't think that fewer parts = better preamp. You don't want unnecessary parts in the signal path but I'm sure there are many pr... 
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
You will have to do a lot of research to find a hard drive based system that works for you. Here is a company offering hard drive front ends: sonore.us I have not heard these products so I'm not recommending them, but it may be a place to start yo... 
Beatles for sale? Well ...
The Mono Remasters are also still available at Best Buy. I wouldn't wait too much longer if you're thinking about getting a set. 
Does Pass Aleph 3 heat up the room like tube amp?
Kentchai, Plinius now makes class A/B amps that they claim sound "frighteningly close" (see their website) to their Class A amps.I own a Plinius SA 201 and it sounds great to me. I have not been able to compare it to their Class A amps. To my ear ... 
Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..
You probably have some ripping and burning softwear on your computer, if you have one. Let us know if you do.My first bit of advice is to buy quality cd-rs (Taiyo Yuden - made in Japan [the Japan part is important] or MAM-A [Mitsui]). You can buy ... 
Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?
The stereo versions of the early albums had the vocals in one channel and the instruments in the other, so I think the mono versions of these albums would be preferable.Does anyone know which albums were mixed in this way (vocals one channel, inst...