

Responses from tomcy6

PS Audio PWT / PWD digital connection
Thanks for the help Mrtennis and Srwooten! 
PS Audio PWT / PWD digital connection
Can an ordinary HDMI cable be used between the PWT and PWD I2S ports or is a specialized cable needed? 
SA11 S2 SACD player. I'm listening to more CDs
I agree Tz, cd sound is improving steadily and I think that it will continue to improve for a long time. Manufacturers are just now finding solutions to a couple of cds major problems, jitter and preringing. Who knows what else they will find and ... 
Parasound halo jc2 and A-21 Dali helicons 800 II
Your Parasound amp has plenty of power to get adequate bass out of your Dali speakers. You either have serious room acoustics issues or listen at volumes that are going to destroy your hearing.If you absolutely need more bass, a subwoofer might be... 
Favorite Pianists
Lynne Arriale plays beautiful, but not smooth, jazz in a trio. She really should be much better known. "Nuance" and "Long Road Home" are probably her LESS accessible albums. 
Wyred DAC-2 vs. PS Audio PWave
The PWD uses apodising or minimum phase filters which, to my ear, make a significant difference in 16/44.1 playback. I don't see these filters discussed much but I think they are a major step forward in digital. 
Filling out the sound
I am not familiar with Rega gear, but I think that speakers are the most variable piece of gear in the chain of equipment. If you don't want to take the whole system back and start over, try some speakers that are known as having a warmer sound. I... 
Will it work? Copland preamp and Moon I-5 Int Amp
Unless the manual for the Moon says that a set of the inputs bypasses the preamp section I would assume that they don't. You can call Moon and confirm. 
What does Uhqr mean concerning records?
UHQRs do not always live up to the name. Listen or get recommendations before you buy. 
AR DS 450 efficiency at what sonic price?
Some people love class D amplifiers others will only listen to tubes or class A amplifiers. As usual, you must listen and decide for yourself. I generally prefer the more inefficient amplifiers.On a side note, our so called leaders (both parties) ... 
Amps in the same class as Pass XA.5 series
Thanks for the replies everyone. There is some diversity of opinion but as usual some strong opinions about Pass XA.5 amps. Class D amps are gaining some supporters too.Is there something fundamentally different about class A amps or can a class A... 
Amps in the same class as Pass XA.5 series
Thanks for the reply Mechans. It's all subjective in this hobby isn't it? I don't get the oportunity to hear a wide variety of gear so I'd just like to get some names to consider. 
cd storage
Here's exactly what you are looking for. Industrial strength, scalable, and you can put them on wheels. I recommend getting some better casters than Can Am offers or the Can-Am caddy though, because when these cabinets are full they are heavy.Also... 
Comments on Amphion Speakers, Please
Thanks for the comments. I would like to use solid state electronics with the Amphions, something like a c-j 2250a or Audio Research 100.2. From the comments made I'm guessing that these combos would probably result in a lean rather than warm soun... 
Pass XA30.5 enough power for Wilson Sophia 2?
Input impedance is low in the Pass XA.5 amps. That could be a factor.