

Responses from tomcy6

Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?
Dali MS or Helicon, BUT they are not as far to the warm, rich side as to sound thick and colored, which your post seems to be asking for.The Dalis are a little to the warm side with rich harmonics and textures. They are musical and easy on the ear... 
"Violinists blast holes in violin experiment"
Audiotweak, I agree, and apparently the eyes are the most important after the ears. I wonder why some people choose to listen in the dark or with their eyes closed. Doesn't make sense does it? 
"Violinists blast holes in violin experiment"
Larry,My question asks if once you have zeroed in on what the differences between cable A and cable B are, can you identify those differences if you don't know whether you are listening to cable A or cable B?I am not trying to attack you personaly... 
"Violinists blast holes in violin experiment"
Larry, based on your experience doing A/B/A blind tests and no surprises, do you think that your expectations might have influenced what you heard? 
"Violinists blast holes in violin experiment"
I don't know if the experiment was well designed or not, but it just seems odd to me that owners of very expensive violins and audio gear are so adamantly opposed to being asked to identify it without being able to see what they are listening to. 
Music Servers-Why so few?
One reason may be that the record companies don't seem to be committed to cd res or better downloads. They're fine with mp3s but they would rather have a system where you only rent the music and don't own a copy. 
Pete Townshend sells rights to his music
Pete has 2 personalities. One is the guy who made the great music with the Who. The other is a cranky, moneygrubbing ***hole who hates the Who, his fans and people in general. As time goes on we see more and more of the latter. 
Help Needed - Music Only System
Just to be sure:Integrated amp - preamp and power amp combined in one piece of gear.Receiver - integrated amp with an AM/FM tuner included.Preamp - you connect your input devices (cd players, DACs, tape decks, etc.) to it. You select which device ... 
Help Needed - Music Only System
If your Onkyo has two sets of speaker output terminals (a total of 8 speaker terminals) you can connect your DAC to it and then connect it to your speakers. Don't hook up two sets of speakers to the same speaker out terminals.If you want separate ... 
Dali 400mkii or 800mkii?
That's a lot of questions Steve. You might want to break it down into different posts.The Dalis are excellent speakers but they are designed for music. They might work well for home theater but I really don't know. They have a warm, easy to listen... 
Pre-amp suggestions for Thiel 2.4/Pass Labs XA30.5
Unsound, I stand corrected. 
Pre-amp suggestions for Thiel 2.4/Pass Labs XA30.5
One more thing, the XA-30.5 has a rather low 20Kohm input impedance on its single ended inputs (30Kohm balanced) so you want to keep the output impedance of your preamp below 2 Kohms single ended and 3 Kohms balanced.Manufacturers seem to rate out... 
Pre-amp suggestions for Thiel 2.4/Pass Labs XA30.5
The Pass is marketed as a 30 watt Class A amp. However, it outputs 150 watts into 8 ohms and 300 watts into 4 ohms in class B. So the XA-30.5 could be labelled a 150 watt into 8 ohm Class A/B amplifier with a very high Class A bias. Read the Stere... 
Double blind test on Strads
I think that most people's judgement is affected if they know what the "correct" choice is supposed to be. It's not that these people are stupid or dishonest, it's just human nature. Perception is affected by many factors other than the physical o... 
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade
Ben, I think that most people would need to hear both versions in the same system and be able to A/B them to get a good handle on the differences between them. I hope that someone is able to arrange this and report on the results.