

Responses from tomcy6

PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade
Mrtennis, There was a recent review in Stereophile on one of the Peachtree DAC/integrated amps, IIRC. The reviewer loved it but John Atkinson's measurements showed high levels of jitter.The manufacturer's comments stated that they had not bothered... 
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade
PS Audio describes in detail the changes that it has made to its digital board (the upgrade) and the benefits derived. Just go to PS Audio and click on the MKII Upgrade link in the upper right hand corner of the homepage. 
strange jazz boxed sets found on amazon
I have a couple of these, 8 albums on 4 cds. IMO, the sound is not as good as you can get on individual album versions. But on second thought the sound may be better than on cds released in the 80s or early 90s. I would recommend them for checking... 
Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?
There are three PrimaLuna integrateds for sale on Audiogon right now starting at $1,000. One of these might be a good way to get your first experience with tubes. 
Sara K SACD vs. XRCD
Rick, XRCDs are regular 16/44.1 cds. I haven't read up on what they are doing in a while but I think they have some proprietary technology. Most of the sonic benefit comes from making cds like everyone else does except they take care in each step ... 
How can you tell the quality of the recording?
Bluesky, you answered your own question, you just listen to them. Get a few cds that are generally considered to be well recorded and mastered and then compare others to those. If you tell us what kind of music you like we can make some recommenda... 
Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?
M&C, What is your budget? I am not familiar with most Chinese tube amps. I have some experience with Primaluna. They are made in China under close supervision from the designer's firm which is based in Holland. These are very well made amps. L... 
Piano and Trumpet can sound bright
Check out the frequency response graph of the Celestion SL700 in this Stereophile review:http://www.stereophile.com/content/celestion-sl700-loudspeaker-1991-measurementsWhile there is a big dip in the frequncies between 10k and 20k the spike beyon... 
Can the copy sound better than the original?
Well this may disprove the assertion that cd is a fatally flawed medium. In a few years when all the bugs are worked out and distortions removed, cds may sound a lot better than anyone thought they could. 
Just received The Complete Elvis Presley Masters
Congrats Abery. Enjoy the Elvis. The Complete 50s Masters is probably my last Elvis purchase. 
Rolling Stone Mag 100 Greatest Guitarists
IMHO, Jeff Beck is the best at getting weird or funny noises out of his guitar. Why he would want to put in the time to gain that title is beyond me. I feel the same way about the jazz school of weird and discordant noises, although I do love a br... 
CD-format to be abandoned by major labels by the e
I would welcome a transition from cd to higher rez downloads. I don't see why labels wouldn't offer higher rez when they know they can charge a premium for it.As for cds, they will be available long after I'm gone. Just check out Amazon and Ebay's... 
Amperex tube codes... how to determine year?
ID is the tube type. 3 is the change code or version so, yes, 3 is earlier than 4. When enough changes had been made to the tube to consider it a new version the change code was moved up.I think the Heerlen (delta) plant made tubes from the mid 50... 
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade
Yes the upgrade is supposed to improve sound quality through all inputs. I haven't heard it so I can't promise that it will though. 
can this fact be accurate?
Here's the quote that the OP referred to:"I figure there’s perhaps 100,000 Audiophiles in the world. 700 or so of them read this daily post I write."It's from Paul McGowan's daily blog that can be found here:http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/wha...