

Responses from tomcy6

Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
Jburidan, no apology needed. You were just thinking out loud.The Krell is a powerful amp, 300 wpc, I believe. The Tannoy's sensitivity is 95 db which means you will need to keep the volume control turned down low. The 6moons reviewer used a 200 wp... 
Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
I have not heard the Tannoys but the Dalis are not incoherent. Many of the best speakers available have 3 or 4 different sized cones, domes or ribbons that are integrated into a pleasing whole. If the Dali distributor has the 400 mkII it should gi... 
Audible Illusions vs CJ preamps: sonic difference?
RE: the original question, let me put in a good word for c-j. I have not heard the AI. The PV-11 and 12 are long discontinued budget preamps. You will generally find the current production c-j preamps in Class A in Stereophile and recommended in T... 
Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite
Thanks Invenio78! 
APO Doors Reissues
Let us know how they sound Fjn04. 
APO Doors Reissues
Michael Fremer did indeed give this album a great review and I'm sure he got it right. But since it's the same poor mix, I can't see buying it again for a marginal improvement in sound quality. Remember that most of us don't have systems as reveal... 
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's
Not a Heavy Metal band but a Heavy Classic Rock band, Spooky Tooth made a classic album, "Spooky Two", great album. That's the only one I can recommend. They put out others you might want to explore if you like Spooky Two. 
Upgrade CD player or get into LPs? Suggestions
Thanks for the info, Minorl, and the very civil tone. Enjoy your music! 
Upgrade CD player or get into LPs? Suggestions
Minorl,How many copies of an Lp do you buy on average to get one without clicks and pops? What is the highest number of copies of an Lp that you had to buy to get one without noise? I'm not arguing, just trying to get relevant information. I haven... 
need amp for Prima Luna Prologue 3 preamp
GRP, I don't think that the PrimaLuna and the McCormack would be overly warm for the Maggies. I have read that Maggies can be harsh with overly lean solid state gear.The McCormack sounds like it might be ideal in your situation.I have the same pro... 
Upgrade CD player or get into LPs? Suggestions
Minorl,You can read many threads on this site complaining about noisy Lps. Have you really never heard an Lp that pops and clicks? 
Should I spike my B&W 804D's
There are brass discs with a depression in the center that are sold so that you can use spikes by putting the tip of the spike in the depression and not damage your wooden floors, if you don't have a lot of drunken parties at your house. 
need amp for Prima Luna Prologue 3 preamp
There are many other choices. I would select an amp that would mate well with your future Maggie 1.7s. I'm pretty sure that their are threads on this topic, if not, I'd ask that question and you'll probably get a better response.One thing to keep ... 
Driver/Input tubes
Back to the original question, are the 12AX7's the input tubes and the 12AT7's the driver tubes? Is it true that the input tubes have a greater impact on sound quality than the driver tubes? TIA. 
My tube amp sounds darker now.
As Columbo would say, Uhhh...just one more thing. The good CCa's are from the early to mid 1960's. They are identified by a grey shield or riser. Later vintage CCa's (late 60's on) have a shiny shield or riser and sound brighter, even harsh. If yo...