

Responses from tomcy6

Great albums that don't make audiophile lists
Emmylou Harris - Songbird boxed setEmmylou's sweet voice in excellent sound. This is not another greatest hits set, but a collection of her favorites. 
Do I really need a Dac?
Here is a 6 year old post from Audio Asylum that addresses your question:"I use the single disc X555 as my reference player and the 5 disc 801 for just random playing around. The internal DAC's on both are fairly decent, but I use them through a S... 
Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?
I don't think the ARC Refs have the sound you are looking for: "qualities I desire such as midrange bloom and wide soundstage without harsh upper end." They do not have the traditional "tube sound". In general, top of the line tube amps probably s... 
ps audio silent server
My first answer was to the question, When will it be released?I don't know why, but I thought that was the original question. The PS Audio Forums are a good source for information about their products though. 
Dr. Ebbetts Beatles CD's
Arnold_layne, What is the difference between you giving someone a bootleg in exchange for another bootleg and someone else giving someone money in exchange for a bootleg?Legally and morally, I think there is no difference. In each case one is givi... 
ps audio silent server
Check out the PS Audio Community Forums, Latest PS Audio Topics. This question has been asked twice in recent months and Paul McGowan has posted to both threads but has not given even a possibly, maybe, if everything goes well estimate. So I don't... 
This may sound a bit silly but why are so many
Everyone hears differently. What is beautifully neutral to some people sounds a little lean to me.A preamp that is perfect for one system may sound terrible in another. You have to get all the components in your system complementing one another. A... 
Classe CAM 350 upgrade for Conrad Johnson MF2500A?
You might consider the c-j CA200 integrated. I think you could input your preamp into the "theater" input but I'm not sure. I'd call c-j to verify that. Or you might like the sound of the integrated itself. Lots of good reviews to read and there a... 
Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite
A couple of questions, Steve. Did you do something that caused your PFR to fry or did it do it all by itself? Did you ask why it took so long to fix? There may be an excusable reason.If you got terrible service for no good reason, I would let Mr. ... 
any veiws on apogee centaur speakers
I had a pair of Slant 6s. They are great speakers. There are few speakers that have a following like Apogees so long after they were discontinued. 
Sonus Faber Stradivari
If possible, you could buy the Strads before selling the Revels, compare them to the Revels and keep the speakers you liked best. No lingering doubts that way. 
Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks type music, any others?
Geoff Muldaur, he and Maria were once married and performed in the Jim Kweskin Jug Band together, plays a low key jug band, prewar blues type of music.Check out some of his albums on Amazon. You should find something you like. 
Ultra High Definition 32-Bit Master?
Thanks for your opinion Lloydelee. I have enjoyed the APO SACDs I've purchased and have some good sounding XRCDs. I guess I'll give FIM a try. 
When to go solid state vs. vacuum?
If you want to try a tube amp PrimaLuna is an easy way to go. They sell integrateds which have 4 preamp tubes and 4 power tubes, not too complex but it still allows for trying different tube combinations (known as tube rolling). The power tubes ar... 
Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
Hifi76, Did the Tannoys produce the sound that you enjoy? Sound that you will be able to live with for a long time? If so, that's the right speaker for you.Have you heard the Dalis at all? To me they are a little on the warm, rich side of the spec...