
Responses from tomcarr

As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i
Your Maggies are wonderful speakers! Why don't you wait until you have to downsize and see if they will still work?  
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!
I enjoy all the music I like. I don't listen to music I don't like.    
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
In my acoustically treated room my B&W 803 D3 sound best to me with no toe-in. The front of the speakers are 3'  in front of the front wall, they are 8' apart, and the listening seat is 8' from the speakers. Soundstage width and depth increase... 
ATC SCM40A speakers
A few days ago I came to the realization the only complaint I have with my 803 D3s was a somewhat strident treble.  So I did the stupidly simple task of reducing toe-in of about 30* to zero (speakers are aimed straight ahead). Viola! Treble glar... 
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
Got tired of ticks, pops, warps, SRA, VTA, protractor, alignment, anti-skating, force, cleaning, no remote, getting up to turn over record... Sold my last turntable after I bought my first CDP and have been a happy camper ever since.  
Starting my showroom again
+1 @ghasley   
Looking for a CD Player
OP- great news! Nice when that happens.  
Looking for a CD Player
@smerk  Good for you OP! Some common sense decency and graciousness, exactly what this forum needs more of. Peace and a blessing.  
ATC SCM40A speakers
Nice to hear about another happy owner. Thanks for sharing!  
From B&W 804 D3 to Focal Sopra 2?
Erik mentioned off-axis oddities limiting the sweet spot. The measurements may suggest that, but in my room that is definitely not the case. Huge soundstage. Imaging is superb. The speakers disappear better and I'm hearing a larger, more stable sw... 
From B&W 804 D3 to Focal Sopra 2?
My 803 D3 also sounded light. Nothing helped except adding two JL Audio subs. Much better. Even made the soundstage seem larger.  
ATC SCM40A speakers
@lonemountain Wow! Thank you for the information! Now I'm really worked up!  
ATC SCM40A speakers
@dpac996 Thank you for the wonderful response! I can understand why you got the passive versions. If I had that amp I would do the same thing! Just need to sell the 803s...  
ATC SCM40A speakers
Thanks for all the comments.  Yes, I'm wanting to change to active speakers.  My McIntosh MCD600 CDP has a lovely preamp section that will go out  straight to the speakers. What the 803s do really well is imaging and soundstaging. Glad to hear... 
Looking for a CD Player
@cleeds OK, I'll be the first to admit I'm not an EE, or any other type of engineer. Thank you for responding. What I do know is when I was using a separate pre it showed 60% gain to have playback at 80 dB. Using the volume control on the McInto...