Responses from tomcarr
ATC SCM40A speakers @dpac996 Thank you for the wonderful response! I can understand why you got the passive versions. If I had that amp I would do the same thing! Just need to sell the 803s... | |
ATC SCM40A speakers Thanks for all the comments. Yes, I'm wanting to change to active speakers. My McIntosh MCD600 CDP has a lovely preamp section that will go out straight to the speakers. What the 803s do really well is imaging and soundstaging. Glad to hear... | |
Looking for a CD Player @cleeds OK, I'll be the first to admit I'm not an EE, or any other type of engineer. Thank you for responding. What I do know is when I was using a separate pre it showed 60% gain to have playback at 80 dB. Using the volume control on the McInto... | |
Looking for a CD Player And another thing, if you use balanced interconnects and select the variable outputs, the output is 16 volts. Your amp(s) will be loafing. Less attenuation required for a given sound pressure level. When amps work easier the sound is better. | |
Looking for a CD Player Also forgot to mention, I love the sound of the 600 so much I bought a second one for a backup just in case. I've NEVER done that before. It really is that good. Worth every penny. | |
Looking for a CD Player And the remote has a luxurious tactile feel. Fast, accurate response from any angle in the room. Best remote I've ever had. | |
Looking for a CD Player Forgot to mention the MCD600 also has a preamp section. I removed my preamp and run balanced interconnects directly from the CD player to my monoblock amps. Less cables, less electronic stuff for the signal to pass through improved clarity, lik... | |
Looking for a CD Player CD players always have an internal DAC. A transport is a CD player without the DAC. | |
Looking for a CD Player You don't need SACD capability, but it's nice to have that option. The MCD600 plays regular CDs and SACDs. | |
Looking for a CD Player Having owned OPPO, Denon and Luxman CD players I now have found sonic nirvana with the McIntosh MCD600. Absolutely sublime sound. Touch of warmth in the upper bass. OP, like you my only source is a CD player. It's over your budget, but I think ... | |
Narrowed to 3: 802D3, Sopra 3, Reference 3 Haha, 4 years later, actually... | |
Narrowed to 3: 802D3, Sopra 3, Reference 3 I know this is two years later, but I have the 803D3s and am interested in your opinion of the Alexia 2 compared to your 802s. | |
New room needs new speakers, I need your help How about $5K floor-standers new with warranty? Paradigm Monitor Audio | |
Reliability - what’s your experience been? Since 1974 owned: BIC Pioneer Electro-Voice Technics Denon Kimber Boston Acoustics Nakamichi AR Cerwin-Vega NAD Klipsch Acoustat Genesis Monitor Audio Vincent OPPO Schiit PS Audio McIntosh Luxman B&W Anticable Vanderste... | |
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric +1 @jymc |