
Responses from tomcarr

ATC SCM40A speakers
@dpac996 Thank you for the wonderful response! I can understand why you got the passive versions. If I had that amp I would do the same thing! Just need to sell the 803s...  
ATC SCM40A speakers
Thanks for all the comments.  Yes, I'm wanting to change to active speakers.  My McIntosh MCD600 CDP has a lovely preamp section that will go out  straight to the speakers. What the 803s do really well is imaging and soundstaging. Glad to hear... 
Looking for a CD Player
@cleeds OK, I'll be the first to admit I'm not an EE, or any other type of engineer. Thank you for responding. What I do know is when I was using a separate pre it showed 60% gain to have playback at 80 dB. Using the volume control on the McInto... 
Looking for a CD Player
And another thing, if you use balanced interconnects and select the variable outputs, the output is 16 volts. Your amp(s) will be loafing. Less attenuation  required for a given sound pressure level. When amps work easier the sound is better.  
Looking for a CD Player
Also forgot to mention, I love the sound of the 600 so much I bought a second one for a backup just in case. I've NEVER done that before. It really is that good. Worth every penny.  
Looking for a CD Player
And the remote has a luxurious tactile feel. Fast, accurate response from any angle in the room. Best remote I've ever had.  
Looking for a CD Player
Forgot to mention the MCD600 also has a preamp section. I removed my preamp and run balanced interconnects directly from the CD player to my monoblock amps.  Less cables, less electronic stuff for the signal to pass through improved clarity, lik... 
Looking for a CD Player
CD players always have an internal DAC. A transport is a CD player without the DAC.  
Looking for a CD Player
You don't need SACD capability, but it's nice to have that option. The MCD600 plays regular CDs and SACDs.  
Looking for a CD Player
Having owned OPPO, Denon and Luxman CD players I now have found sonic nirvana with the McIntosh MCD600. Absolutely sublime sound. Touch of warmth in the upper bass. OP, like you my only source is a CD player. It's over your budget, but I think ... 
Narrowed to 3: 802D3, Sopra 3, Reference 3
Haha, 4 years later, actually...  
Narrowed to 3: 802D3, Sopra 3, Reference 3
I know this is two years later, but I have the 803D3s and am interested in your opinion of the Alexia 2 compared to your 802s.  
New room needs new speakers, I need your help
How about $5K floor-standers new with warranty? Paradigm Monitor Audio  
Reliability - what’s your experience been?
Since 1974 owned: BIC Pioneer Electro-Voice Technics Denon Kimber Boston Acoustics Nakamichi AR Cerwin-Vega NAD Klipsch Acoustat Genesis Monitor Audio Vincent OPPO Schiit PS Audio McIntosh Luxman B&W Anticable Vanderste... 
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric
+1 @jymc