
Responses from tmsorosk

What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
I tried a bunch of DAC's, some in the insane price range before settling on Audio Research's DAC8 , It was by far the best and most analog like. I purchased mine new but if you can find a used one it would likely be in your price range. 
Old NAD or newer high powered Denon?
I friend owns an Exposure 2010S , paid $1400 new, don't think I've heard anything as good under five large, tube or solid state.I used to like Nad, but there last few generations of gear seem a bit lifeless. 
Over 55? - You Gotta See This
Thanks for the laugh, but it's all to true. Don't no how many times I've opened the fridge door and couldn't remember why i was there, oh well I just grab a beer and say F*** it. 
Audio fuses
Your not kidding that everything is not written in stone, not when it comes to audio anyway. The Supreme fuses worked best in all my components except in the power amp, the gold seemed best there. 
Taming edge from remastered CDs?
I had the same problem for a while, but once I got all the right components the problem disappeared. 
Fuses that matter.
The after market fuses I installed made a clear difference and at a low cost. One of the best tweak/upgrades to date. 
Old NAD or newer high powered Denon?
Dosen't sound like much of an upgrade. If your on a very tight budget you might be better off waiting till a better time. 
Suggestions on a neutral and powerful integrated..
Go with the Ayre , you won't be disappointed. 
bass traps
Hello BrianI did much research a few years ago on room treatments as well as trying many absorbers, defusers etc. Eventually I decided to hire a company that specializes in room analysis to shoot the room. The first thing they did was to shoot the... 
Unusual TAS bomb
I doubt he got fired for a bad review , more likely bad ears. 
Preamps waste of money?
The residual thinness you think you hear from S.S. preamps is the lack of coloration you get with all tube components. The thinnest, most sterile systems I've heard had no preamp. 
Preamps waste of money?
What preamps have you tried? 
Do you ration your favorite music?
" Familiarity can breed contempt " LOL. I'm somewhat the opposite, when I hear some music I like I just can't get enough of it, and go from liking it to loving it. 
Gemme Audio - Out of business?
I owned a pair of Tantos for about a year and a half, there weren't to bad sounding but continued to break down, the manufacturer was very unhelpful. If there gone it wouldn't surprise me. 
Preamps waste of money?
Your likely just purchasing to cheap of a preamp. Try the Ayre KX-R, it completely removes itself from the signal path and allows the music to flow.Friends often compare it to moving up many rows at a concert.