
Responses from timrhu

speakers for listener with Tinnitus
What do you mean by that? Can you give an example of what happens when you irritate your tinnitus? For me, a little background noise helps. It "covers it up" enough to where I'm not too distracted to it.Zd542 
Please help with the cable burner
It looks as though the seller used the word "burner" literally. Be careful! 
Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?
To Maplegorvemusic, here's an example of a poorly mastered recording: Dukes Of The Stratoshpear.This is a remastered version done by Carolin Records, whoever they are, and is just awful. To be fair, I have never heard the original on Virgin Record... 
speakers for listener with Tinnitus
Should say, with headphones I take the volume just to the point where it drowns out the tinnitus squeal. That's as loud as I go. It is more difficult to drown out the tinnitus when listening to speakers. Not sure why, it just seems way too loud wi... 
speakers for listener with Tinnitus
I also have tinnitus and find headphone listening therapeutic, as long as I don't listen too loudly. It actually seems to lessen my tinnitus.As for speakers, for years I was using a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrels. About a year ago though I boug... 
What sub under a grand?
Good to hear. 
Most enduring audio purchase
Meadowlark Audio Kestrels; one of my earliest purchases when this whole internet buying spree, merry-go-round began for me. They will be given away when my hearing goes. 
Speaker Set Up...Math/Geometry Experts Please Help
After you get them set up per manufacturer's specs be sure to tune them by ear. I set up a pair of Vandersteen 2CEs per Vandersteen manual a few years ago and for days I was unhappy with the sound. I performed the stand up sit down test and made s... 
Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned
Meadowlark Audio, long defunct, is one brand that used first order xovers and time/phase aligned drivers. I have owned three different models and still enjoy my old trusty Kestrels.Audio Physic offers time/phased aligned drivers now. As for first ... 
What sub under a grand?
I also use a Gallo sub but thought I'd get laughed off the site for suggesting it. It replaced a sub that was three times as expensive and within the first five minutes of use I thought it was a much better fit.My other suggestion would be a James... 
My wife passed yesterday
Chayro, So sorry to hear of your loss. Please take care my friend. 
Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???
It seems like the more expensive a car is the less reliable it is. I have never understood this. I have a Honda Civic with 217k miles and it runs like a top.TatersIt's all that over-engineering that kills them. I had a BMW Z4 a year ago. The thing... 
similar speakers
I'll still buy here, but won't sell anymore. There are just too many other sites for hobbyists.It's not the money Audiogon charges, it's all the changes over the past few years. Too intrusive and restrictive, all the signing in over and over (what... 
where to buy DIY cable supplies
ebay is the place to look. 
Should I finish my basement
Schubert, if that is to say, I can impersonate assessor, enter the property and at gun point take every valuable item, money jewelry (maybe wome precious amps turntables whateverwhatever) and drive away. How should I technically know that I'm deal...