
Responses from timrhu

turning my system on during lightning storms
Kijanki, your comment about the plasma ball reminds me of a time I was driving in Tennessee during a thunder storm. I was approaching a corner and witnessed a lightning bolt strike a tree. It was probably 40 yards ahead of me. What I saw was a big... 
Question Of Balance - The Moody Blues
Don't stop with Seventh Sojourn! I'm really enjoying these reviews. I would like to here your take on "On The Threshold Of A Dream." This has been my favorite since its release.Your first review prompted me to order the newest release of Threshold... 
turning my system on during lightning storms
You must live in the midwest. The other night a particularly lively storm came up fast. I jumped out of my chair to pull the plugs. Definitely the safest bet. 
Days of Future Passed - The Moody Blues
Very interesting review. I've been considering picking up some of the newly issued Moody Blues' cds. Was a huge fan back in the day. On The Threshold of a dream -- what memories.Think it's time to make a purchase. 
Large listening room
Years ago I had my system in a room of similar dimensions. The sound was always flat and uninvolving when I sat on the couch on the opposite wall. I did exactly as you are planning with a portable chair. made all the difference in the world. After... 
Which cables and ics allow the biggest soundstage?
For soundstage and spatial information I prefer solid core cables. I'm using Audioquest Slate right now and have used more expensive cables in their line. Quite a few cables have spent time in my system and everytime I go back to a solid core desi... 
Ground Loop
Eldartford knows all. 
whats a good older hdcd cd player?
Short answer for me is the Resolution Audio CD-50. Excellent redbook cdp and absolutely superb HDCD player.The long answer; I got hooked on HDCD sound a few years ago when I had a high end Sony cdp paired with an Adcom GDA 700 dac. The Sony and Ad... 
Good budget sub for music?
The Velodyne SPL-800II worked for me in a small room. Very compact with front firing woofer. It was also easy to integrate in my system. I moved up to a James EMB-1000 which is better if you have an extra $300 or so. 
Oppo as transport
I purchased a Bel Canto DAC2 through an Agon auction about a year ago (got a great deal as I think I was the only bidder). At the time I was using a Resolution Audio CD-50 and a Linn Genki as sources. Got the Bel Canto just to try it.I used the Li... 
DAC as an upgrade
The Bel Canto DAC2 sells for less than $700 used here regularly. Pick one up with a digital cable and determine for yourself. If the difference isn't enough or if you don't here a difference you can resell the dac. You won't lose much. Nothing ven... 
best speakers on AGON for about $500
I'm thinking about a PS Audio HCA-2.You might also look at the PS Audio Trio A-100. I recently purchased a Trio C-100 and am very happy with it. Cool, quiet with music coming out of total silence. The lottle box is pretty amazing after some of the... 
best speakers on AGON for about $500
Was going to suggest Vandersteen 1Cs until I read the high frequency issue. Actually I'd still recommend them but I replaced a pair of Paradigm Studio 60s a few years back with the 1Cs because I thought the Paradigms had a little too much energy i... 
Build me a system for my 11' by 15' room
I have a pair of Proac Response 1.5s in a 11.5X13 room. The room is pretty well treated but I love them in here. Check my system. Not a tube fan here so no real recommendations. 
Burn In
That's about the time I rolled my first.