

Responses from three_easy_payments

Does your system hate you when you ignore her?
I'm not sure I believe that components need to be re-burned in but they do need to warm up.  Assuming my gear is warmed up first I actually perceive the opposite - my senses have been deprived wonderful sound for so long that they crave it and abs... 
SUT's -Looking for one with some meat on the bones
I have D7s as well and run all tubes in my front end through a Pass XA30.8.  I too am currently using a Hana SL   I have a Zesto Allassa SUT that I'm really happy with in that it provides fantastic flexibility and doesn't alter the sound at all to... 
The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre?
How many other pursuits in life are people so obsessed with measurements in a realm where the ultimate goal is to engage in something pleasing to our senses? I won't possibly like the way this tastes because of the absence of sugar or salt? This a... 
The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre?
Every amp is imperfect. 
And yet another of our heroes passes into the night, RIP Ginger Baker!
Ginger always considered himself a jazz drummer first yet the press is fixated on labeling him a rock drummer.  I learned the news this morning through the CNN headline "Ginger Baker, one of rock's most gifted drummers...." 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
Doing some poking around on the Auralic site it appears the G products do indeed include an upscaler and many prefer the upscaling quality over Roon.  Hence how I'm ending up with 32 bit titles instead of 24. 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@david_ten Yes, original recordings...sorry. 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@david_ten I’ve concluded that I must have misattributed compressed sounding titles to a 16bit/44mHz format when it was more likely due to lesser quality, compressed sources instead. 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@jond I thought about posting on the Auralic forum regarding this as I do post there from time to time.  I too listen mainly to jazz and I will say the compressed sounding titles tend to be non-jazz such as rock and 90s power pop which likely are ... 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@erik_squiresCould be very DAC specific, agreed.  Can I share?  I had mentioned earlier in the thread that I'm using an Auralic Vega G1.  Is that what you're asking me to share?  Sorry, didn't quite understand your request. 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
Appreciate the input.  I may simply be noticing compression in original recordings more so these days.  To make a generalization, I suspect the albums that are presented in hi-res are more likely to be of higher original recording quality than tit... 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@lalitk Good question about the upsampling capability as I'm not really sure and I'm having trouble determining this.  Perhaps someone else can chime in if they know - I'm using an Auralic G1 Vega through Lightning DS platform.I started this threa... 
Unintended Consequences? Digital Streaming
@lalitk I totally agree on the 24/192 over Qobuz.  They sound fabulous.  My issue was with the 44kHz FLAC files over Qobuz sounding compressed.  It certainly could be my imagination as perhaps my ear is focusing on the relative resolution differen... 
Why does my old CD player sound so much better than my new streamer?
I suspect it could be a master clock difference between the DAC used for streaming and the CD DAC. 
Need Perfect Speakers for Acoustically Hostile Placement
Kitchen listening is background music. I either turn on a cheap Sonos 1 that sits by the toaster or a crank up my primary rig in the living room 35 feet away. To me there’s no value in trying to shoehorn a quasi-hifi system into a kitchen where th...