

Responses from three_easy_payments

Phono Cart Impedance Question
@uberwaltz Yep!Although I will say I've learned a lot over the past few days interacting with both Keith and Roger on this topic.  I'd be really curious to A/B a 6922-based phono stage in my system someday and see it how it performs.  Maybe someth... 
Phono Cart Impedance Question
In case anyone is curious, Keith confirmed what I was hearing was likely normal.  He indicated :"There will be some white noise if you turn the level up beyond where you would normally listen as the VTPH-2A has a lot of gain and you wo... 
Tube amp forethought
@wolf_garcia  Having said all this I am planning to get either a Pass XA25 or a much less pricey Schiit Aegir to see if I'm imagining all of this so called "fun." I think the XA25 may surprise you. I'm a tube guy myself but wow, the Pass Class A... 
Tube amp forethought
Let me start off saying that I love tubes, particularly as they pair with the mainly acoustic jazz music I enjoy most. My main system until recently has included tubes in most of my components (amps, preamps, phono stage). I’m going to throw out a... 
GIK Room Treatment Questions and Advice for Magnepans
yep, according to the guys at Arqen Sonic here are the Three Golden Rules for treating small (e.g., domestic sized) rooms:Add broadband bass traps to as many corners as feasible, including the wall-ceiling corners.Add mid/high frequency absorption... 
Take a tour of Nelson Pass’ listening room
Zero sign of room treatments!Love this guy's products....I can't imagine parting with my XA30.8 
Hum de Dum
Lots of threads on here and elsewhere on the net that can provide some step-wise guides on removing ground loops that appear to be causing your hum (based on the ground lift being effective).  It's all about isolating which component is causing th... 
Buying Speakers Based on Specs
Two of the main reasons you can instantly tell two acoustic instruments apart playing the same tone is by their attack and decay.  Do you think all speaker material produces tone in the same way?...and then reverberates that tone with the same har... 
GIK Room Treatment Questions and Advice for Magnepans
I agree with @larryi ’s comments about approaching room treatments incrementally. Starting with corners and spaces behind the speakers and then adding slowly as needed. I use mainly GIK products (mix of absorption and diffusion) myself in a fairly... 
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service
I wonder where Amazon is going to go with 3rd party hardware integration.  
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service
@david_ten Thanks for the info.  This indeed looks promising.  Certainly not the first time Amazon has undercut the market and killed competitors. 
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service
Will there be a discount for Prime members? 
Amazon just killed Tidal
I suspect there may be a lot of firmware updates coming on our streamers to accommodate the new service if it proves to be embraced by the market. 
Phono Cart Impedance Question
@lewm @almarg@chakster @jmolsberg I appreciate all of your really helpful feedback/input. 
Phono Cart Impedance Question
@uberwaltz  Agreed.What do you guys think...if I wanted to perhaps try just a couple of the SLN tubes to see if they start to lower noise where would be the best place to start?  As follows:1st gain stage (pair)2nd gain stage (pair)output stage (s...