

Responses from three_easy_payments

Herron VTPH-2A final thoughts.
Keith responded quickly to my question above and confirmed what I suspected -  a pair of 12AX7s will give me about 5dB more gain.  
Herron VTPH-2A final thoughts.
In case anyone is still following this thread I thought I'd pose a quick question to this group.  My unit came configured with the two 12AX7 tubes and three 12AT7 tubes, thus providing 64dB gain in MC mode and 43dB gain in MM mode.  It appears tha... 
Help with up to $1500 streamer
sorry you're not getting more response to your question.  Most folks here are more interested in arguing about vernacular differences between "hifi" and "high end" or posting humorous anecdotes about what stupid things never to do with your equipm... 
Suggestions for my system
My main goals in hifi are an expansive soundstage in width and depth, and holography.  My system right now is great, Rega has all the PRAT and is energetic to listen to however I feel like it's not the last word in lifelike representation. Of ... 
Sound diffusers
I’m cheap and am not willing to pay big bucks for commercial studio pieces. I guess it comes down to what you consider to be "big bucks".  I paid $125 for a single 24x48 inch diffiuser/absorber from GIK that looks and works fantastic.  It's eng... 
System synergies: Chaotic or predictable?
@audiotroy That is precisely my point.  You've described sensible approach to system matching.  Using sensible parameters and approaches seems neither chaotic nor somehow imparting magical synergy - it's simply sensible. 
System synergies: Chaotic or predictable?
In the world of audio the term "synergy" often seems magical like no one could have seen it coming.  But where do you draw the line between magical synergy and just reasonable component pairing looking at factors such as gain, pre & amp impeda... 
Help me decide on my next cartridge (
I think you're probably better off selling the TT and putting your proceeds and additional funds towards a better table.  In my view it's your weakest link in the chain, not the cartridge. 
Quick and free fuse tweak
and how would you describe the result? 
Music Direct - Audio Hardware Seller?
MD does charge everyone sales tax now including out of state sales.  I have overall had numerous good experiences with them.  They were a little weird recently about possibly returning a cartridge and indicated that if I did that (even within 30 d... 
Speaker selector app.
Headphones would be your best bet. 
Speaker selector app.
Perhaps Vandersteen 5a?  I see a pair listed in the classifieds (no affiliation) for $6,999. 
TT on Symposium Super Segue - slate or maple underneath?
Peter's advice is infinitely better than mine.  I've relied on his suggestions in the past which have worked out well, such as using an Ultra Platform under my tube amp. 
@wolf_garcia   +1 on the rosewood trivia coming from a fellow guitar player.  As a tonewood used mainly in backs and sides of acoustic guitars, rosewood has a much different sound in terms of shimmer, attack, and decay compared to other commonly u... 
TT on Symposium Super Segue - slate or maple underneath?
I use a standard Segue platform under my turntable which sits on my Symposium Foundation rack.  I'm not sure that using wood under the Segue would be optimal in conjunction with the Symposium products as you may not realize the full potential of t...