

Responses from three_easy_payments

Barometric pressure, temperature, moon phase?
Our bodies are a receiver - we have all kinds of circuit noise - blood pressure, hormone levels, state of mind, chemical imbalances, insulin spikes, etc...you get the point.  We are always so quick to attribute an outside issue to change in how we... 
phono pre-amp being replaced
@wlutke 3 EZ payments,I have the Dyna too but not tried it with the Herron. How is the (all tube) MM input with ($3K) SUT vs. the hybrid MC input? The Zesto looks interesting. Thanks. I greatly prefer the flexibility and performance I get from t... 
phono pre-amp being replaced
I agree with @roberjerman  If you like the PH-7 then it's well worth it to buy something like a Zesto Audio Allasso SUT (which is what I have paired with my Herron VTPH-2A).   The gain on your ARC PH-7 is 57.5dB for both moving-magnet and moving-c... 
Power cord recommendation for a dac?
@lak There are those that apparently aren’t able to hear a difference when using different power cords, interconnects, etc. Therefore to them, they can’t hear a difference but that doesn’t mean that a difference doesn’t exist. Judge for yourself.... 
Separate Phono Pre - $$ before I will hear a SIGNIFICANT difference vs. integrated?
For ~$375 USD you're not going to do much better than this phono stage if you're set on getting a separate.  No affiliation. https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649528359-tom-evans-microgroove-wpsu/  
Separate Phono Pre - $$ before I will hear a SIGNIFICANT difference vs. integrated?
So you're using the NAD 7220PE right now just for it's phono stage?  What are you using as your amp?   There isn't much performance differences among phono preamps in the $150 range.  Tough to give ideas of which ones at higher price points may ad... 
I wonder why......
This could apply to any component of any piece of audio gear. Let’s not stop at power cords. Why don’t they use upgraded tubes instead of mainly EH? Why not upgraded caps? Binding posts? Heck, if the manufacturers understand the synergy so well th... 
Amazon Ulimited HiFi - Q4 2019
The only way this can be properly vetted is through a 30-day free trial.   
Audioquest Niagara 1200 finally shipping!
I'd be interested in hearing other's impressions as well.  I recently removed my Brick Wall surge protector as I noted it was contributing some noise to my system.  Can anyone comment on the surge protection capability of the 1200 as well as refle... 
Does it come down to the mastering quality only??
"Everything matters" ;-)   But I have to say, the quality of the original recording, mastering, and pressing are a huge part of it....all before your system even enters the chain. 
Phono Cable Recommendation Please
you may be interested in this 2017 comparison.  I personally like the Cardas cables for phono.https://www.analogplanet.com/content/do-tonearm-cables-make-sonic-difference-you-decide  
Cartridges that get strings right?
@pingvin Enjoying the responses which have devolved into the catchall "Everything matters!" ?  Ha. Of course this categorical answer is correct and could be used to reply to 99% of the questions posed on here, but it does little to help you in try... 
Shout out your favorite Audio dealer!!
Galen Carol at Galen Carol Audio - San Antonio 
buyer question
The seller clearly has no issues with ripping off Audiogon. You think his lack of ethics is going to be different dealing with you? 
what is it in audio that you dislike most?
It's a love/hate relationship with myself - I'm really happy with what I have, love the sound and musical engagement - but then I stumble on something that undeniably improves the experience even further.  I hate this...and I love it simultaneousl...