

Responses from theo

Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
Remember when everyone said that vinyl was dead? I am sure there will always be CD players for the person willing to pay. 
converting oiled walnut to "rosenut" color
I think Corazon makes the most sense. Leave them alone. In my opinion if you add veneer over the existing veneer. You run the risk of 1st)ruining the sound quality as the dynamics of the cabinet will change, 2nd)a good chance the top veneer may lo... 
Merry Christmas to you as well but I am jealous!! I live in Colorado and we have had no snow, can't get my Christmas Spirit into gear:( We have set a record for no snow so far this winter.My system sounds best when it is snowing out side. I think ... 
converting oiled walnut to "rosenut" color
I would get a couple pieces of walnut at you local lumber yard or woodworking supply store and test a few stains before even touching the speakers. The veneer on the speakers is probably thin and won't permit much sanding.If you can't get good res... 
Optical to RCA converter
First off I would hook the toslink from the TV to the Peachtree iDecco for a short while to determine if it is the convertor or the TV. If it is the TV your stuck if the convertor see if you can exchange it for a better one. 
Best Towers Under $1500 for beginner system
Second on the F12, I have the F32 and when I heard the F12 I questioned my purchase. The F32's do sound better but not in a $ to sound ratio. 
to SACD or not
I have a Denon 5910ci and a Ayre C5xe-mp and there is no comparision between the two. I only use the denon for 5.1 SACD and DVD-A which is rare. Based on your budget you have a number of options, but one question, do have any discs? I have a few a... 
McIntosh MC303 vs MC402 with 501's?
I would think if you are looking at space and budget issues. Your scenerio of running the 303 for center and surrounds and keeping the 501's for front L&R would be a great sounding system. I have the 402 and it is wonderful amp for my needs an... 
Is the Lyra Klios out in the states yet.
Fremer had a good review this month, I just got my issue today. Mikey likes it! for what thats worth 
Is the Lyra Klios out in the states yet.
I did at the dealer when I placed the order to upgrade, and there is a significant difference. The Kleos offers everything the Delos does but to greater degree. More information, detail, sound feild, musicality. And less surface noise, the Kleos i... 
placement of revel m22 speakers
I have the M22's and use them in my system as rear channel speakers. But when I first bought the Revel Performas the F32's and C32 took about a month longer to arrive. So I used the M22's as front speakers to get aquainted with their sound as well... 
Is the Lyra Klios out in the states yet.
I too have had mine about 2 months, they are slow in coming. I had to wait about a month. I had a Delos and the dealer allowed me a 30 day trade up period and I am so glad I did. He tells me he has a waiting list, so I am glad I got in when I did.... 
Song covers that are better than the originals
Actually Dave Mason's Version of "All Along the Watchtower" is good too and I beleiev he played back up on the Hendrix recording.One more for my list:Sweet Jane-Cowboy Junkies 
Song covers that are better than the originals
Mercy Street-Miriam StockleySpanish Harlem-Rebecca PigeonVoodoo Child-Eric Clapton/Steve WinwoodBlack magic Woman-Santanacan only think of 4 right now 
How to clean and polish MC275?
Flitz metal polish is great for finer finishes. Use a microfibre cloth along with it. Or to be extra safe contact mcintosh chinton@mcintoshlabs.com has alwasy been really good about answering questions.