
Responses from terry9

Putting together turntable rig
With those skills, why not consider making your own? Lots more fun, lots more rewarding, and lots more bang for the buck.I could share some thoughts from a successful build, if you are interested. 
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
The only truly execrable amp I've ever bought was a Class D from China, for the subs in my home theatre. Thank goodness I put it on the bench first.Same week I bought an old Bryston for the purpose - musical, powerful,  bullet-proof - should have ... 
Putting together turntable rig
I agree with @dover ’s suggestions: turntable first, tonearm second, phono stage third, cartridge fourth. I went the other way once, against expert advice, to my cost.The TT’s job is to turn a record silently. That means a first class bearing. Air... 
Help with first cable upgrade.
I doubt if cables will bring you much relief if your system is too bright. Canare, to my ears, is pretty neutral.I would spend the money on upgrading your source. And try before you buy.My $0.02. 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
Ah well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it."Not this science" responds and refers to "Their are many scientists that disagree with the accepted science." (invalid's post)By all means, don’t take my word for it. If eith... 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
Not this science. 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
@bpoletti Your are correct that science and math are not political. What you wrote is against the accepted science, which was pretty much settled 20 years ago. The manner of your dogmatic assertion is political, and the antithesis of science. Agai... 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
@bpoletti Please leave your politics at home. 
Class A amplifiers
As others have mentioned, it depends.All Class A run warm. Many run hot. Some run so hot that they dry out the electrolytic capacitors.Solution: don't run them hot, use electrolytic caps only in the power supply, and isolate those caps from the he... 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
What, no mention of cartridge warm-up? 
Sell Me Your Women, Your Children, Your Vintage Turntable...
Interesting assertion. Let's deconstruct.First, can't do the test you recommend because I have ESL's, but I am confident that it would disconfirm your assertion.Second, environmental rumble is obviously a function of environment. The most usual so... 
Sell Me Your Women, Your Children, Your Vintage Turntable...
Taste is idiosyncratic, but ...Do you need a suspended table? You do unless your floor is a concrete slab far from a freeway. If you don't need a suspended table, don't pay for it. Like my choices. Air bearing is mine. Once you've heard air, there... 
Help selecting a power cord.
I did the following test.1. Installed an isolation transformer (Plitron). The electrical inspector said that it was the cleanest power he had ever seen outside a generating station.2. Change in sound was obvious: crisper, clearer, cleaner.3. Borro... 
Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?
Cost/benefit ratio.IMO, Other than DIY, highest was speakers (pairs of Quad 2905's); lowest was cables. Still haven't spent enough to justify cables better than those based on Canare Starquad microphone cable. Maybe after the second Koetsu I'll ta... 
How much reality do you really need?
Hiide, that's a good point about definition, but I don't agree. Sometimes a good definition only arises in the context of a discussion or a legacy of agreement.For example, "Existence is not a predicate." (Russell)