
Responses from terry9

Classe Five Preamp > Classe CP-45/47.5 Preamp
I use the SSP-800 in my HT. The sound is very good: very clean, very listenable. Not as clean as my vinyl system, mind. 
subwoofer with zero punch... help
For amps, I build my own for the most part. But when I want clean, good sounding, bullet proof power at a reasonable cost, I always use Bryston. Check out their factory rebuilds by calling them. I emailed them about a month ago on Sunday. The VP r... 
subwoofer with zero punch... help
Should have mentioned elastomeric glue and caulk. Chemlink makes great products, I used 10-15 cases of the stuff. 
subwoofer with zero punch... help
The science was done at the University of Salford, School of Acoustics. The noted Cox teaches and researches there. Spoiler alert: it's not snake oil, like most of what you read.Mechanics of build is available in several places. Absolute Sound (II... 
Transient vs. Analysis Plus
Long interconnects are the usual practice. The downside of that is radio frequency interference, or RF; so if you live in a rich RF environment, your cables may pick up interference from the strongest signals. The best ways to combat that are:1. F... 
Building my 'first' system - Advice on Phono preamp please
I would do the latter, unless I had a good reason to do otherwise (like a great opportunity from your dealer). 
US source of Panzerholtz?
I just finished installing a Pz tonearm wand. Sounds better with every listening session! 
Building my 'first' system - Advice on Phono preamp please
One common mistake is to spend on cables and cartridge.1. Cables are the least bang-for-buck in audio. IMO. Buy super cheap (say $10 / pair) and then, in 6 months or more, make any upgrade prove itself before you buy.2. Cartridges wear out. Also, ... 
Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update
Pz wand continues to impress. A record which was having tracking/distortion issues with the Tomahawk (Renaissance Lute music on BASF label) is now just plain good listening. Five hours yesterday. 
Has Anyone Ever Run TWO Identical Pairs of Speakers ?
Yes. I have run 2 pairs of Quad 2905's simultaneously, but not side by side. There are theoretical reasons why 2 pairs of the modern Quads won't work together (the delay lines in each speaker create the illusion of a point source 1' behind the spe... 
Magnepan LRS- what amp should i consider? (sub $2,000)
Phil, I think that you have done very well to avoid higher priced cables and interconnects. Wait until you're well into 4 figures before you even think about it again. Spend on what makes the biggest difference, like better speakers and better amp... 
Magnepan LRS- what amp should i consider? (sub $2,000)
I understand that Magnepan uses Bryston electronics for reference. Just sayin'. 
Magnepan LRS- what amp should i consider? (sub $2,000)
I am a big fan of Bryston - have owned 4, used with Mags and subs. You should be able to get a 3B SST used for that price - a very good match - maybe even a factory refurbish. Call Bryston and see.Five year warrantee on factory refurbished. Yes, f... 
Magnapan LRS
Thanks Willie! 
Anyone familiar with Canare 4s11 speaker wire sound and break in time
Canare makes quality cables. I use their Starquad microphone cable for all interconnects.