Responses from terry9
The most natural sound in the world. Naw, it just sounds like my Mac. | |
Why whole house surge protectors are not enough From an important textbook: "... it is not possible to turn off the current (to an inductor) suddenly, because that would imply an infinite voltage across the inductor’s terminals. What happens is that the voltage rises abruptly and keeps rising... | |
Why whole house surge protectors are not enough And thanks for the thread, Eric. A real public service. | |
Why whole house surge protectors are not enough I use isolation transformers for all my audio gear, and all the A/V. Maybe that's why my 2009 Kuro Plasma is still working - and working well enough to make the 4K upgrade unattractive. | |
Dynamic Range - the golden key to music nirvana? I guess you don’t understand sarcastic humor. I guess you don't understand your topic. Just guessing, mind you - but must say that you write a good sentence. You wouldn't be a CHAT BOT, now, would you? | |
Vinyl Lovers What @whart said. | |
What new gear have you just bought? Last month finished an isobaric sub, Scanspeak drivers and Bryston powered. Sounds FAR better than anything I've heard - even keeps up with the planars. | |
What new gear have you just bought? Just finished a NiCad control box for my phono/pre. Phono/pre is always on with standby power, and a built-in meter allows measurement of each cell or string of cells. Meter is noisy so can be disengaged. NiCad is engaged with or without diode pro... | |
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum @lewm Or perhaps the Ministry of Silly Walks (J. C. - no, the other one)? Glad to hear of it, Mijp. You deserved better. | |
Are your listening levels healthy? Doing damage? I find that I can enjoy low levels just as much as high levels. Actually, low level requires more attention, and I get further into the music. | |
Have There Ever Been Fake Koetsu? Keep us posted - my retip / reconstruction time is coming. | |
What is turntable “liveliness”. As for cost, you may not get what you pay for, but you certainly don't get what you don't pay for. As someone else said. If your turntable does not have a frictionless cushion of compressed air or mag-lev, in 3D, that friction is causing noise an... | |
What is turntable “liveliness”. @lewm Classical music was most mutilated on RBCD, as opposed to other genres. Massed brass or string passages sounding like the crumpling of cellophane. Exactly. | |
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are? @laoman Thank you! | |
The mistake armchair speaker snobs make too often Scanspeak is discontinuing a wonderful 10" woofer in the Revelator series - good bargain now. Recently assembled an isobaric sub configuration and powered it up with a Bryston 4B, and it sounds as fast as my ESL's. |