
Responses from terry9

Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers
Power matters to ESL’s. I have upgraded my Quads’ power supplies to the premium version offered by Electrostatic Solutions, and the difference is startling. I also upgraded the SUT’s (big improvement) and delay ladder (very small improvement). Pe... 
XLR cable recommendations needed
If your listening room is in an RF-rich environment, you may find that a shield is desirable, and that the quality of the shield is paramount. I use Canare L-4E6S microphone cable.  
MM or MI Cartridge?
Well said, @lewm .  
MM or MI Cartridge?
@panzrwagn , you appear to suggest that nothing can touch a MC. I beg to differ. For years I used a higher end Koetsu, a great MC by any standards. Last month I replaced it with a top Grado, and the difference was immediately obvious. The Grado h... 
Is simpler better?
My DIY amps are the most complicated machines I’ve ever built - much more so than the DIY turntable and tonearm. Very high parts count. They are unquestionably better than anything else I’ve tried or heard, and that most definitely includes simple... 
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
I prefer solid state because: - there are no positron tubes to realize low distortion complementary designs; - there are no tubes to blow and punch a killing signal through my speakers; - low voltage is safer than high voltage, for people, pets... 
When Will the DAC Singularity Be Reached?
Never. Quality components cost money. You can hear the difference with every pair of high quality resistors that you substitute. A simple volume control can be improved all the way to $1k parts cost. I know - I did it. Quality costs. Period.  
Buying Used Equipment on the Internet
Feedback is important. So is involvement. If the seller has posted many times but buys infrequently, as I do, he could still be reliable. I suggest talking to the seller. It's not foolproof, but it gives one more opportunity to see red flags.  
A Few Turntable Measurements using the RPM Android App
Also the limits of the ear in the time domain (Fourier theory).   
A Few Turntable Measurements using the RPM Android App
@kevemaher  I refer you to a talk by Richard Krebs, and the considerations that went into his latest turntable design. If you want to hear about higher order moments and their importance, though not in formal statistical terms, and the sampling ... 
A Few Turntable Measurements using the RPM Android App
I think that both of you make good points. For 40 years digital has claimed perfection, while getting better every year. It is still too bright for my ears, but an entire generation has been brought up to think that brighter is better. I have not... 
A Few Turntable Measurements using the RPM Android App
Thanks for the discussion, @kevemaher .  
Grado Epoch 3
With more careful setup, the Epoch surprises with yet better results. Azimuth correction is very low, less than 14 minutes of arc counter-clockwise. Tail down at 15 minutes of arc gives a delicious, mellifluous tone to everything from Arvo Paert t... 
A Few Turntable Measurements using the RPM Android App
@kevemaher I agree that wow, flutter, and rumble measurements are quantifiable and repeatable and agreed upon. I think, however, that this is not the whole story and that a 50KHz sampling rate would give us the data needed for a more robust analys... 
How to prevent visitors from touching your system
On the way into the listening room everyone has to pass two full size racks for (electric) power supply and compressed air. Both are covered in meters, dials and lights. I tell them how much energy is controlled in each cabinet, and for some reaso...