
Responses from terry9

How many LP's
@bdp24 About that TransFi arm - let us know when you get it. May I suggest a few mods?1. If your table is not suspended, it may benefit from an aluminum tower. I use 2" aluminum rod.2. The arm has flat surfaces, which allows you to add damping gel... 
Directionality of wire
That's in addition to the obvious - if it hums, it's a ground loop. Also measurable.  
Directionality of wire
@jea48   Not to speak for George, but speaking for myself, yes, in some cases your ears will detect a difference, such as loss of dynamics or non-repeatable distortion. When you investigate with a 'scope, you will find high frequency trash being a... 
Your choice - TT, Arm, Stage, Cartridge - $5000 budget
For British brands, consider Nottingham Analogue and TransFi. I use two of the TransFi tonearms, which cost $1000, but punch far, far above their weight. One of them is mated to a Miyajima Zero and the other to a higher end Koetsu. 
Your choice - TT, Arm, Stage, Cartridge - $5000 budget
What I did was:1. Spend the least possible on things that are controversial, like cables and power cords.2. Good record cleaner. 3. Good setup equipment. VTF gauge, protractor, torque screwdriver.4. Turntable is most important, then tonearm, then ... 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
@folkfreak Thanks! 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
@folkfreak Thanks very much for the note. Much of what you value in the Durand, I find that I value in my more humble TransFi: adjustability and dedication of the owner. Of course, in jewel-box workmanship, there is absolutely no contest.I find th... 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
@folkfreak You seem to like Durand arms. Would you care to say what you like best about them? 
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
Technics SL1100Rega 3Linn BasikNottingham Analogue Mentor     upgrade to Dais standard / TransFi Terminator / Miyajima ZeroDIY aerospace air bearing, panzerholst plinth, cast iron - graphite platter /      TransFi Terminator / Koetsu Rosewood Plat... 
Fuses fuses fuses
@almarg Thanks Al. Praise from you means a lot!@teo Sorry if I was heavy-handed. Must be getting tetchey in my old age. 
Fuses fuses fuses
@teo-audio You write, "The reality, the only reality that the results propose, is: objectivity is a fabrication, a projection... of a fundamental reality which is entirely subjective and entangled. That we only posses probability, and theory, and ... 
Fuses fuses fuses
@almarg Al, are you making a run for this year's Nobel for Patience? Just wanted to warn you, I think that they retired it and gave it to Ralph in perpetuity. But good luck, anyhow. 
How many LP's
Lewm, you make a good point. For every one of those 100 jewels there are many also-rans.As for which ones? Other than the usual workhorses, La Spagna (BIS); Scottish Lute Music (BIS); Laudate (Proprius); Cantate Domino (Proprius); Wagner's Ring Cy... 
How many LP's
What technology is best? I vote for air bearing, although a prominent and expert guru (Ralph K) disagrees. Even so, I'll bet he'd like my system.I use a DIY air bearing TT with a Trans-Fi air bearing arm, playing a Koetsu platinum cartridge. The a... 
Fuses fuses fuses
@georgehifi Forgot to mention - you can get them blessed by a Cardinal. Then the sound is truly heavenly, but it is an indulgence.