
Responses from terry9

Audiophiles are not alone
@geoffkait 1. Fourier Analysis2. From the days of Pharaohnic Egypt, it has been accepted that mathematical analysis informs the real world.3. As I mentioned before, an engineering solution has a basis in fact or theory. Something with neither is a... 
Audiophiles are not alone
@billstevenson I don’t agree, Bill. I can easily imagine a situation in which one could get more from simple instruments than complex and refined ones, at least at first acquaintance.For example, lots of people can immediately keep time with a dru... 
Audiophiles are not alone
@geoffkait You seem to have misunderstood me. My opinions are as follows.1. Shannon's Sampling Theorem (there is only one of these), is good mathematics. It cleans up the wooly thinking surrounding ideas first propounded by Nyqvist.2. Shannon's Sa... 
Audiophiles are not alone
1. Shannon's Theorem, or Nyqvist Done Right.2. Always used.3. An engineering solution should have some basis in fact or theory. Shannon is digital audio's. 
Audiophiles are not alone
Thank you rcprince and frogman. You have explained why the so-called 'scientific' test was probably not, in fact, scientific.Science is a method of knowing, and it requires not only a knowledge of scientific practice, but of the subject matter (in... 
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
As 3blm  said, high mass platters have lower wow and flutter and a lower noise floor. If the manufacturer is careful, and uses a low power motor, wow and flutter pretty much disappear. If the bearing is air, the noise floor converges to zero. 
Glare on Choral recordings, classical vocals
I enjoy classical choral very much on my system. For whatever reason, the analogue material on Argo vinyl is beautiful, engaging, and non-fatiguing, while I never listen to digital vinyl for this material.I can sometimes enjoy a Harmonia Mundi SAC... 
For cleaning vinyl, I suggest Vinyl Stack, a US company. They provide products all the way from hand cleaning to ultrasonic. As the manufacturer, they can offer superior quality for bargain prices. 
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
If you’re thinking about conditioning, consider an isolation transformer. Plitron makes a good one - I use four of them - they were among the first to design in North America and build to the highest specification in China. The build quality is Ge... 
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
If you seriously want to improve the Quads, find a good tech who is experienced with high voltage equipment. Get him to install better step-ups (I use Plitron , based on a Vanderveen design), and replace the ugly resistor at the input of the circu... 
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
I too have 2905’s. My floor is granite. A few thoughts.Anything you can do to make the walls, floors, or ceiling a bit rough is helpful. I use a large Persian carpet on one wall, and 12" x 24" rectangular patterns of 1" wood trim on the ceiling.Eq... 
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
I have owned planars exclusively since 1973. Obviously, I agree with the positives above. Inner detail, natural sound, etc. Yes, for head banging you do need a lot of power, it's true.The big thing, to me, is that some planars, and I don't know ab... 
Richard Clark $10,000 Amplifier Challenge - Why Couldn't Anyone Pass this Test??
Changing the subject entirely, Ralph, did they ever retire that Nobel for Patience? 
Richard Clark $10,000 Amplifier Challenge - Why Couldn't Anyone Pass this Test??
The test is CD based. That might be why. 
My error - 2 AWG feeding the subpanel.