
Responses from teajay

First Impressions of a First Watt - the Aleph J
Gliderguider, I compliment you both on your writing style and very precise information regarding this post. I believe that Mr. Nelson Pass is one of our hobbies greatest designers when it comes to amp designs going back to his Threshold days in th... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, you requested some of Mr. Martin DeWulf's comments regarding the Weiss Medea DAC, so here they are: 1)The Medea did not have the drive and presence that I found in the Benchmark DAC 1. 2) The Medea can get loud, but never got raucous and... 
Redbook Comparison Esoteric and Reimyo
Steve, I would never argue with your personnal opinion/experience regarding what your ear's told you. However, to say that the Esoteric XO-1/UX-1 is "inferior" on Redbook to the Reimyo is begging/negating the rest of your post. Regardless, of what... 
I need ICs for my system. Anyone have this set up?
Tigmag1, my system has a Pass LabsX-350.5 and Threshold SA-1 monoblocks, so as far as amps we have something in common in our systems. I have auditioned many wires in my system and have finally settled on Acoustic Zen's Absolute, Silver referenceI... 
Edge Sig 1 Preamp - Anyone have it or heard it ???
Naperaudio, I would strongly suggest you give a call to Audio Federation and talk to Neli regarding the Edge pre-amp. Audio federation is an Edge dealer, they have their demo on sell right now, they arrange home auditions, and finally you will nev... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi, to both Branimir and Exlibris, I agree with your conclusion regarding using the CDSD transport to really see if you will get the sound you are seeking out of your Meitner DAC. My friend who uses the CEC TL-0, prefers this on redbook, had to se... 
Redbook Comparison Esoteric and Reimyo
Kusina, as you stated, even in one box redbook players, there are different "flavors/tastes" which offer somewhat different sonic prespectives in the system they are used in. So, if you would share some of your personnal tastes, along with what ge... 
Which One box cd player
Luna, I can't comment on the Meridian player since I have never heard one, however I have given a good listen to the Audio Research CD3II and thought it was quite good. In the same price bracket is the new Accustic Arts CDP that upsamples to 24/19... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, I have listened to the EMM DCC2 with a CEC TL-O transport compared to my present digital front end of an Accustic Arts DAC1 MK3 with an Ensemble Dirondo transport. Since, I only care about redbook, my remarks are only describing what I h... 
Thoughts on Egglestonworks Andra II
Jsmoltz, I agree, I have listened to them on more then a few occasions and found them terrific sounding speakers. They hardly get any attention/press, well they are close to $20000.00, but I think compete with other box enclosure speakers of the h... 
Redbook Comparison Esoteric and Reimyo
Kusina, I would refer you to a thread I started entitled: Reference DACS: An overall perspective, that contains the information that you are seeking. Each has wonderful but different sonic signatures, that are discussed as either #1 or #2 type fla... 
Looking for a new powerful amp.
Jon p, when I went through my auditioning process it included three highly regarded tube amps, along with the solid state contenders that I listed in my first response. If, you like what I call the "musicality/liquidity" of tubes, but want the ext... 
Looking for a new powerful amp.
Jon p, its hard to give you the information you are seeking because your question is so general. Do you prefer SS vs. tubes, even though you mentioned Krell, if I got my facts straight if you go the the Vandersteen 5a's they have built-in subwoofe... 
Review: Stealth Audio Cables Varidig Sextet Reference Interconnect
Richards, thanks for sharing your experience/opinion about the Sextet. I now have gotten information from about six different people, who are extremely enthralled with what this cable did in their systems. What I find interesting is all of us use ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
In the latest edition of hi>fi+, they did two very well written and informative reviews of the Ayre-5xe 2 channel and the DCS P8i SACD players. I look at all reviews with a very skeptical eye, but these offered a detailed prespective of the son...