
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, I found Robert Harley's piece on the new digital formats to be short, well written, and finally,regrettable. The HD DVD and Blu-ray CD are really aimed at the home theatre market and even if they would offer better sonics then standard r... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, have you seen the latest issue of the Absolute Sound? It has a feature article on your Krell Evolution gear by Anthony H. Cordesman. I thought you might find it interesting to compare your experience with these pieces, I know you think t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, the other pre-amp that I thought was another great sounding unit was the Chapter Audio linestage. It to offered all the virtues we are looking for, dynamics/clarity/dynamics/natural timbres, along with a very smooth and warm sounding ove... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, sorry to hear that it just, "was not in the cards" to get the cable in time before having to return the Accustic Arts gear. I was looking forward to what your opinion was going to be regarding the combination in your system, but as you s... 
EMC-1UP SE interconnect?
Peter, my girlfriend has this player in her system, I think it's a wonderful sounding CDP, we tried both balanced and unbalanced IC's and did not notice a significant difference in the sonics between the two. She finally settled on Acoustic Zen Si... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, because the way you hear/describe the sonics of different gear in your system, I mean't that as a compliment, I will be shocked if you are not shocked what will happen when you put the Stealth Sextet in your system. I was quite content w... 
If you had $12,000 for speakers and amp
Jcb2000, if I had a budget of $12000.00 to spend on used speakers and amps I would choose the following: 1) MG-3.6's 2) Pass Labs X-600 monoblocks. This combination would offer great sonic beauty and that special planer trait of filling a room wit... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, I auditioned the Reimyo DAP-777 when my reference was still the Ensemble Hi-DAC and found it quite musical with relatively good details, but lacked the extension on the top and bottom, precise placement of players in the soundstage, and ... 
Speaker cable help
Greg, I would recommend you might put on your audition list a pair of Acoustic Zen Satori speaker wires that you could get for around $400.00 used, which is in your budget range. Their sound is not "fat/euphonic" but very smooth and musical and ye... 
Interconnects for Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables
Omegaman, I did not mix the Acoustic Zen IC's with the Nordost Vallhalla speaker wires when I was auditioning the Nordost products. My hunch would be that the AZ IC's would give the transparency and details that the Nordost speaker wires have to o... 
Interconnects for Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables
Omegaman, I would suggest you might want to put on your audition list the Acoustic Zen Absolute reference IC's, that retail for $2400.00 a pair. I compared them to Nordost Valhallas and liked them much better in my system. $2400.00 is not exactly ... 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
Snook2, I'm very glad your very pleased with your new Dartzeel amp. You stated that it's the most "transparent" amp you have ever heard. Would you be nice enough to share what other amps you are comparing it to, along with of the rest of the gear ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I forgot to put this on my last post because of brain freeze, but I thought that Exlibris, might find it interesting that at the last Rocky Mountain Audio Show many people thought one of the best sounding systems was the one put together by Brian ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, anything new to report regarding the sonics of the Accustic Arts gear at the present time. I'm assuming you have not yet gotten the Stealth Sextet balanced cable , but am curious if the pieces are changing the longer you break them in an... 
Again, recommended CDPs for $2K-$3.5K
Rhanson739, the Electrocompaniet EMC 1 UP CDP is one of the best sounding redbook players on the market. It is rarely talked about anymore, but still is highly competitive with reference quality CDPS. Built like a tank, the transport in the player...