
Responses from teajay

Time to upgrade CD transport and/or DAC?
Output555, I would believe you would get a great change by getting a new DAC. The Bel Canto II is my favorite below the $1000.00 mark, I find it more musical/organic sounding then the Benchmark DAC. If in your budget a great step up is either a us... 
Mark Levinson 30.5/31.5 vs Wadia 861se
Hi Chris, the way you expressed your question I would suggest you take a look at a thread I started entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective. It will give you some of the information you are seeking. I had a ML360s/DCSpurcell/ML31.5 in my ... 
Best digital cable to audition?
Unclejeff, I also admire the work of Mr. Robert Lee, the rest my system is cabled with Acoustic Zen, including his new reference the Absolute, the AZ E=ZEN2 is a wonderful sounding digital cable and very reasonable priced, but don't be a "true bel... 
Best digital cable to audition?
Kuzibri, I would agree to a great extent with your praise of the Varidig Sextet, I would just word it as the most musical/organic cable I have auditioned so far. I just posted a review on the Sextet last week here on the GON stating that I believe... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Mikelavigne, in your post regarding the sonics of the new DarTZeel Preamp you stated that it was the first preamp, compared to 15 other reference level preamps you had auditioned, that was superior to the Placette passive line stage. What a great ... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Oldpet, I find doing amp and speaker auditions much harder work for obvious reasons. My process for audtioning cables is a threefold process: 1) Put one cable at a time in my system and do no serious listening untill the amount of time for burn-in... 
Review: Stealth Audio Cables Varidig Sextet Reference Interconnect
Well, as some of you know, I have at least posted on a few occasions my criticism, and hopefully good natured, pokes at the founding father of the SixMoons website,the guru Mr. Ebaen. I find his long-winded, mystical, mumbo-jumbo writing style ver... 
Boulder monoblocks
Audioaril, I'll just accept your position that it is just not possible to audtion all the great amps of the world. However, after narrowing down the field, you could arrange home audtions, you just pay the shipping back after your audtioning proce... 
Digital Cable Recommendation
I have over the last couple of years audtioned over six different companies single ended digital cables. The best I heard under $500.00 was the Acoustic Zen MC=Zen. To better it in my system I went to a Artistic Audio Vacuum reference that retails... 
Threshold SA/3 to Pass Labs X250 comparison?
Audio not fishin, I still use a pair of classic Threshold SA-1 monoblocks with a Pass LabsX-350.5 to bi-amp my MG-20r's. I can assure you that what you are looking for sonicly, as stated in your post, would be delivered by a Pass LabsX-250. In the... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, my friend's system is powered by Lamm pre and mono block tube amps and he uses both a CEC TL-0 and the Meitner CDSD transport to drive his DAC. He likes the sound of redbook cd better on the CEC transport then the Meitner transport. I ju... 
accuphase vs dartzeel
Hooper, have you ever had the chance to listen to any of the Pass Labs XA-series amps, in particular the XA-200's? If so would you share your opinion regarding how they sound compared with your killer Dartzeel's. Thanks. 
Playing with the idea of solid state amps
Philefreak, I have listened to the Ayre and McCormack which are quite good, but I think the Pass Labs-X250.5 is even better sounding. I wrote a review on my Pass Labs-350.5 which will give you more details regarding the sonics of the X.5 series yo... 
Mark Levinson 35
Hifimannen, I owned one years ago, it was quite good for its time and was extremely well built. I replaced it with a ML-360S that was a much better sounding DAC. Both were replaced long ago in my system with better sounding digital front ends. My ... 
Pass Preamps
Cwlondon, Pass's preamps are quite good and are very competitive with many other brands at there different price ranges. The reference X0.2 which is a three chassis piece is quite special and one of the best preamps in the world. All of Pass's pre...