
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, I find your hunch regarding the possibility that you might end up with a tubed DAC very intriguing. When I tried a couple in my system ( very high level Audio Note and Zanden) that they had a very nice midrange, a type #2 flavor, but lac... 
What should be on my short list...
Bbro, I would also suggest putting the following on your audition list: 1) Ensemble- It's a terrific sounding player, retails for $9000.00, but can be bought used/demo for around $4600.00 and the build quality is first rate Swiss. 2) Accustic Arts... 
MBL 1511/1521 Combo
Kusina, I posted this morning, on the thread titled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, that a friend of mine had just heard the MBL DAC, not the transport, and thought it was terrific. If you go to the above mentioned thread, you can get som... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Just had a discussion with a fellow audiophile regarding his experience with the MBL1611E DAC, don't know what transport he was using, and he thought it was outstanding and one of the best DACS he has heard. I have never had the pleasure of listen... 
Parasound JC-1 vs. Pass 250.5
Denf, I now have lived with the Pass LabsX-350.5 for a year in my system, and am still as thrilled with its sonics as I was when I first auditioned it in my system. It replaced a pretty damn good amp in its own right, EdgeNL-10, because it offered... 
Top Five for 2005
The following would be my list for the top five releases for 2005: 1) Kenny Barron's two albums recorded live at Bradley's 2) Monk and Coltrane at Carnegie Hall 3) The Complete Norman Granz Jam Sessions box set 4) Scott Hamilton with the Bill Char... 
Lived up to or beyond the hype for 2005.
My list contains the following gear that I was lucky enough to end up purchasing, after home auditions, that signficantly raised the quality of the sonics of my system: 1) Pass LabsX-350.5 2) Acoustic Arts DAC1-MK3 3) Stealth Varidig Sextet digita... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibis, because of the experience so far in your audition of the Acoustic Arts gear, it motivated me to run the following experiment this afternoon. I have a Acoustic Zen E=Mc2 with BNC connections that I used to use about three years ago with a ... 
The last 5 ?????
Jadem6, your a man of many, well thought words, I'm a man of few and hopefully, well thought out words too. What your struggling to put into words are categories/increments of change/improvement revolves around the differences between quantitative... 
Opinions on Classe Cam-350's?
Autoll, I can't help you out about the differences between the Cam-400's and the Cam-350's, but I can share the following information regarding the Cam-350's. About three years ago I went through a long audition process, which included seven diffe... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, was thinking about how your auditioning process is goning regarding the Acoustic Arts gear. Last night a friend wanted me to bring over my AA DAC/Stealth Sextet cable to try in his system (Electrocompaniet ECI integrated amp, Electrocomp... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, your experience so far is very similiar to what I heard, but I would describe it as being "closed in" before the DAC blossomed into giving its best performance. I used to use the Acoustic Zen cable and found it to be smooth and warm, but... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, my experience with the AA DAC was it sounded pretty good after around 30 to 40 hours, but really opened up and significantly changed right around 250 to 300 hours of playing time. I never noticed it sounding worse before it got better, j... 
Best low priced transport
Bigkidz, its some what out of your budget, however the new CEC belt transport, it retails for $1000.00, but you might get lucky and get a demo/used one for alot less, has a performance which is amazing and is very well built. Either of your DACS w... 
RCA Digital: Stealth, Pure Note, Cerious
Rja, I have had the Stealth Sextet in my system for a couple of months now, and still am amazed at its performance compared to any other digital cable I have ever heard. You might be interested in a review I posted here on the GON to compare your ...