
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Henryhk, sorry if I misunderstood your statement/question, however I think we are saying the same thing just using different semantics. My opinion would be is that if you have a warm, layed back sounding speaker, such as a Sonus Faber, a DAC from ... 
Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it
Sorry, Null1 and Jeffjazz, no one is attacking your first generation X-series amps, but time and Nelson Pass marchs on. I owned and enjoyed for over nine years a pair of Aleph 1 monoblocks in my system. When Pass Labs came out with the X generatio... 
Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability
Ken, thanks for your appreciation for my efforts regarding different reference DACS. To answer your questions: 1)I have never had the chance to seriously audtion any Wadia gear, I have heard different Wadia pieces in store/friends systems, but nev... 
Which amp next ?
Gous19, all the amps on your audtion list are excellent possiblities, however I think the Pass Labs X-350.5 is a pretty special amp, that's why I have one in my own system. I wrote a review about the 350.5 that contains information about what othe... 
Review: Accustic Arts DAC I - MK3 DA converter
Twopippis, unless the Accustic Arts DAC that you audtioned was not fully broken in, it takes over 300 to 400 hours to really open up, I am not surprized that you liked the Reimyo better in your system but that you thought it was that "significantl... 
Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability
Twopippis, I find your comment that the "Reimyo was much better in the highs/midrange then the Accustic Arts" very interesting. I found them to be very similar with the Accustic Arts DAC slightly more extended and "airy" on the top then the Reimyo... 
Pass Labs Amplifiers - XA160 versus X600
Kmccarty, my hunch, since I never had the pleasure to audtion them against each other, is that the XA amps are somewhat "warmer/richer" sounding then the X.5 amps. All the X.5 amps sound closer to the XA series then the first generation X series a... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Audioezra, thank you for your kind words regarding my post. Next,Henryhk, your statement is totally about synergy in a well put together system that would shine sonicly. Thats why its so silly to call any DAC the "BEST" in the world because it lea... 
Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability
Kenlit, I recently posted an overall perspective on reference DACS that contains some of the information that you are seeking in your thread. The bottom end of the Reimyo is quite good but I think is bettered by both the new Accustic Arts DAC-1 an... 
Pass Labs Amplifiers - XA160 versus X600
Kmccarty, there's a pretty strong consistency, among Nelson Pass fans, that in the X-series the 250 was the best single chassis amp sonicly and the 600 mono-blocks was the best sounding of all the X-series amps. However, their were certain fans of... 
CD Player or DAC
Shimanole, I just recently posted a review of the sonic differences between reference DACS here on the GON, which you might find helpful in your search. I have also listened to many DACS at your price range and believe that the Bel Canto DAC II of... 
REVIEW: Salk Sound Veracity HT3
Schacter, very interesting review and I'm glad you are thrilled with your new speakers. Would you mind sharing what type of drivers/size of baffles/wired used/price,etc. with us about your new speakers? Thanks. 
Jazz Recommendations.
I would recommend the following albums because they have enough melody and a blues feeling that a non-jazz person can relate to, but are still first rate classics: The Sidewinder by Lee Morgan. Midnight Blue by Kenny Burrell. Ballads by John Coltr... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Great question Steve, I'll be brief but hopefully informative. The CEC TL-0 added great smoothness/liqidity/warmth to any DAC that it was linked to. However, it's PRAT/bottom end was not as good as either the Levinson or the Ensemble transports. T... 
PassLabs X250 X350 and X250.5
Tdaudio, you are quite right, the 350.5 does offer about another 35 to 45 class A then the 250.5. What you are leaving out is that the first 5 to 8 watts in the 350.5 are single-ended class A, not just class A. For over nine years I powered my sys...