
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, I will find it very interesting what your experience of the Stealth Sextet cable will be in your systems. At this point some people would have to think I own stock in the Stealth company because I'm always sharing my excitement about the... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
I have had in my rig the following transports: 1) CEC-TL1 It sounded wonderfully smooth with great liquidity but lacked dynamics and deep bass. 2) ML-31.5 Very detailed, dynamic, great bass, and was very smooth but not warm sounding like the CEC t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, I always find your comments interesting and led me to more questions after reading them. 1) Did you have have the chance to audition the Audiomat reference Dac which does not upsample? 2) Did you audition the AA DAC1mk3 with the Sextet o... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
Nrchy, I would be more than happy to send you, as a belated X-mas present, my Intelligent Chip. I have a hunch based on faith, that you might hear a difference in your system. Before I will send it to you, if you are interested, I'll first meditat... 
Threshold SA/3 to Pass Labs X250 comparison?
Null1, if you think the X-350 is better then the X-250, I recommend you audition a X-350.5, I believe you would be amazed at how much better the .5 is then the orginial 350 across all sonic factors. I kept my Aleph 1's after audtioning the first g... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
Albert, when I originally started this thread it was only to have fun and share a good laugh with fellow Audiogon members like yourself regarding ridiculous products like the Intelligent Chip. I had no idea that anyone would take the gist of this ... 
Clever Lil Clock - What's up with this?
Gerryn, I started a thread entitled, The best audiophile gag gift for X-mas, regarding the same company's Intelligent chip upgrade for CDP's, that you might want to take a look at. They market nothing but "snake Oil" products that are supposed to ... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
Nrchy,Five years ago I would not have even responded to your ignorant and misinformed statements regarding the scientifically based fact of Natural Selection as a valid explanation of the development and wonderful diversity of life on this planet.... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
Marco, I respectfully decline your offer to field test your piece of crap, however, there has been a major development in possible "divine intervention" regarding the "Intelligent Chip" in the last 48 hours!!!There were 8 treatments left on the ch... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
Nrchy, your oxymoron statement regarding using scientific evidence to prove biblical verse shows that you are igonarent regarding the difference between the scientific method and a faith based assumption. Faith is not based on logical conclusions ... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
I recieved last night an E-mail from Geoff Kait, who must be one of the owners of Machina Dynamics and an Audiogon member, regarding this post and the total failure of his "Intelligent Chip" on improving in anyway the performance of my digital fro... 
Electrocompaniet , Resolution Audio & Wadia
Saki70, the music was totally acoustic jazz, small groups and big band, along with electric blues and vocals. 
Electrocompaniet , Resolution Audio & Wadia
Saki70, I have heard CDPS from both Electrocompaniet and Wadia, not from Resolution Audio, and would share the following regarding their sonic signatures: The Electrocompaniet is very "lush" sounding with very good clarity and extension, but more ... 
Anybody hear the Epiphany Audio 12-12's?
Steve, even if it was not the holiday season, I would be glad to be wrong and hope you will be delighted with your 12-12's. I'm just a curious guy, so a few questions asked in a respectful way: 1) Did you get some great financial offer that you co... 
Anybody hear the Epiphany Audio 12-12's?
Steve, because of responding to your thread I was motivated to talk to my girlfriend and an another audiophile friend that I attended the RMAF with to again compare are " audio notes" regarding the 12-12's. We all agree that at best they were aver...