
Responses from teajay

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Hi Paul, thanks for your kind words towards me. As to be expected from you, words of wisdom:1) Everybody finally has to audition for themselves to really know what works for them.2) That unless you use tube power amps the Lightspeed might lack dep... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Hi Clio09, I too have great respect for Ralph Karsten's designs and his passion for what makes the most sense to him sonicly and design wise.However, I have no awareness historically that he ever "pushed" his design/product on an Audiogon thread l... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Have enjoyed reading this thread from the very start, so here's my take on the Lightspeed Attenuator:1) I and a follow group listners auditioned it in a very high end system and thought it was good but nothing earth shattering, I had shared this w... 
Amplifier for Magnepan 20.1s
Hi Powerdocter,Your really asking two different questions in my opinion:1) Since you seem enamored of the Audio research house sound, this question really resolves around if the AR 210s would have enough current/watts to drive your 20.1's. I belie... 
Antique Sound Lab Flora EX DT vs Belles 22A
For my personnal taste in my system, yes I like the Flora better then Belles. I'm not trying to be over the top, but one of the most musical experiences I have ever had is when I put the Tungsol black glass oval plates in the Flora! So, yes by a w... 
Antique Sound Lab Flora EX DT vs Belles 22A
Just realized I errored regarding the 6NS7's that I was talking about, there not round plates, but oval plates. 
Antique Sound Lab Flora EX DT vs Belles 22A
Ellyjr, both are very good performers at this price range. The Belles 22A will give you a neutral presentation with very good details, extension, and sound stage. The Antique Sound Lab Flora EX DT will give you all that plus, with the right 6NS7's... 
Acoustic Zen Silver Bytes digital cable
The short answer is clearly no. The MC2 is a much more natural/musical cable then its little brother, so regardless of the systems overall sonic perspective you would gain nothing and lose alot. 
High resolution Copper IC with PRAT like AntiCable
Hi Pani, I have heard both the AntiCable and the Audio Note IC's and believe that what you are looking for is better addressed in your price range with Acoustic Zen Matrix 11's. More resolution then either, but with good speed, what your calling P... 
warm digital cable
Thenis, I would recommend that you try Acoustic Zen's digital cable that I believe is named AZ=Mc squared. It offers the type of sound smooth/warm that you are looking for and is well in your price range. Sorry, if I screwed up the name of this ca... 
Pass Labs XA 60.5 to drive Dynaduio C4
Hi Sgm, you do not share either the nominal ohm rating or the efficency rating of your C4's. That would be helpful to give you more of an accurate answer. I bi-amp my MG-20's with XA-60.5's that have all the current I need and do double down into ... 
Upgrading to AZ Silver Reference II
Hi Lake eleven, no the AZ Silver Ref 11 will not sound "bright" but give you more clarity/details,transparency then the Matrix 11's. The Matrix 11's do sound warmer, but that is something they add to the sound, while the Silver reference is much m... 
Purist Audio vs. Stealth cables
I have heard both companies cables, I run all Stealth through my system, and believe both are excellent reference level wires. The major difference for me is that the Purist Audio cables add a "smoothness/richness" texture to the music, while the ... 
Maggie 20.1 and Marchand XM-44
I politely disagree with Chadeffect, I never have heard a 20 or 20.1 even with modified passive X-overs sound any were close to the performance of these speakers when they are bi-amped with a good active crossover.I recommened the Bryston 10B acti... 
All I want is The Truth, just gimme some truth...
Thanks Clio09, I'm glad you understand were I'm coming from and know I meant nothing disrespectful or insulting to you on a personal basis. You got great ear's, just wanted to know how you ranked these two pieces based on their sonic attibutes. Th...