
Responses from teajay

Why are Pass such a good match with Maggies?
Hasse,Because the combination of Pass and Maggies make "music" together. Look at my reviews here on the GON regarding how my Pass Labs XA-60.5's, I biamp MG 20's, for the details regarding the sonics of this matchup. 
What do you think about your Grand Veenas?
Hi Jdurrett,The Veenas are one of my favorite box enclosure speakers regardless of price. They are easy to drive, and I have heard them both with SS and tubes, either way they still "sang" with great musicality. I'm a planer guy when it comes to s... 
XA 30.5 or mod S/500?
Hi Cippoliner,I use a pair of Threshold SA-1's and Pass Labs XA 60.5's to power my MG-20's. They are both great amps, however Nelson Pass's latest XA.5 series are his best sounding amps of his long great design career. 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE - Is there anything else?
Gs,If you can score this Modwright preamp for around $1500.00 your getting a very good piece for very little money. However, if your budget can go up to $3000.00 I would recommend that might consider the Audio Valve Eclipse which retails for aroun... 
another thread on DACS/players...thoughts please
Hi Jonathan,Well I'm quite "shocked" that your "shocked" that the Playback design Dac reminded me of the latest Meitner gear. If you have ever read my thread on how I experience and group different DACS sonicly, what I call type 1 or type 2 groups... 
another thread on DACS/players...thoughts please
Sorry forgot to include this information for you. I recommend you E-mail Gon member Ted Brady, he has just got throught with an amazing six month auditioning process of some of the highest regarded DACS that do red book and high res material and p... 
another thread on DACS/players...thoughts please
Mribob,I have listened to and auditioned everyone of the pieces you mention, with the exception of the Ayon CD-55, and still have not heard a better sounding DAC then the Accustic Arts Tube Hybrid reference DAC.Now there might be "two monkey wrenc... 
Power cords, AC line conditioners---preferences?
Hi Bluesnbike1954,I would highly recommend that you consider for audition the Running Springs Dmitri power conditioner. I still have not found a better one in the last two years. For details on the Dmitri take a look at my review here on the GON.S... 
Should I bother to try a subwoofer?
Tostadosunidos, what you will find pretty amazing is not the lowest octave, but the amount that your soundstage will open up with more air around all the individual players on the stage. When I shut off my subwoofers, I use a pair in my system, my... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Tab110s, the answer is no for the following reasons:1) For the increase of about $500.00 you get what AA calls hand selected NOS tubes. Well, I have some of the finest NOS 12AX7's and 5751's, about ten different brands, to tailor the sound of my s... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Rokka,I had the AA DAC-1MK3 and wrote a review of it here on the GON. It was quite good, however, it is not as musical and as natural sounding as the AA Tube Hybrid reference DAC that still is my reference in my system. 
Review: Pass Labs XA60.5 monobloks Amplifier
Hi Doug, thanks for your kind words towards my review. To address your questions:1) Because the SA-1's have been around for almost twenty years I never felt the desire to write a review on them. They still very favorable compare to the best SS amp... 
TUBES -- Telefunken OR Mazda 12AX7
Hi Dramapsycho,I have both tubes that you are interested in my tube collection because my Accustic Art Tube Hybrid reference DAC uses them. I like the Mazda's better because they are just as transparent as the Telefunken's, but also add one of the... 
Review: Pass Labs XA60.5 Monoblocks Amplifier
Hi Pettyfeversk, congrats on your new XA 60.5 monoblocks! Your enjoyment of them totally comes through in your review.When you had your thread on if the 60.5's sound better then the single chassis 30.5, I chose not to post, however I knew if you a... 
Music First Audio Passive Magnetic Preamplifiers?
Hi Agear, one of my best audiophile friends thought he was set if not for life, at least for a very long time with the TRL reference preamp, I believe it was the latest generation, until he auditioned the Concert Fidelity in his system, and sold o...