
Responses from teajay

The Ultimate DAC for Approx $10,000
Hi Clipsal,I have auditioned three of the DACS you have on your list. I only listen to Redbook CD's and by far the best DAC I have ever heard on Redbook is the Concert Fidelity reference DAC-040. Take a look at my review here on AudioGon for detai... 
Review: Pass Labs XA60.5 monobloks Amplifier
Hi Lightminer,You will get no arguement from me that many of the D or switching amps would do just fine driving subwoofers or the bass panels of MG-20's. However, I have on many occasions listened to amps from Nuforce, Spectron, and other highly r... 
Opinion on Edge amps
Hi Doug99,I agree with you that all reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. Why would you just mention websites all the written rags are the same way. I just offered the information on the review because you were seeking information on this ... 
Opinion on Edge amps
Hi Doug99,I used to use the Edge NL-10 amp in my system, and still have high regard for it. For details take a look here on the GON for details regarding its performance.For my tastes I finally moved on to the Pass Labs X-series and then to the XA... 
Genesis amp-does anything compare?
Hi Nonoise,Yes, I have heard the Genesis amp and if you love the way it sounds I highly recommend you audition Channel Islands Audio's new reference monoblocks the D-200 LGX which offers just about the same sonic footprint that you describe regard... 
Magnepan 20R vs 20.1Rs
Bbro,The only difference physically between a 20R and a 20.1R is that there is magnets both in the front and in back of the bass and midrange panels on a 20.1R and only magnets front/back on the bass panel on a 20R.I have spent much time comparing... 
Best small speakers?
Hi Bobmclean,I just wrote a review for the website hometheaterreview.com that should be published by next week on Bob Smith's, Aether Audio, Spirit-1SE two way stand mount speaker. I have heard many of the other speakers mentioned by other posters... 
Hi Ijarvile,Since I wrote my review on the Sextet over six years ago I have continued to audition many other digital cables. The only ones I have not listened to that you have on your list are the Audio Nirvana and ASI Liveline, so I can't address... 
I agree with what Neal said about the Stealth Sextet cable. I went through a very massive auditioning of highly regarded digital cables and found nothing better then the Sextet. For details take a look at my review here on the GON on this cable. 
Review: Martin Logan CLX Speaker
Hi Emailjohn, Totally agree with you regarding the subwoofers, I would not own this speaker if I did not have a pair of ML reference subs to provide the missing bottom end. That's how I auditioned them at Mike's house. 
Review: Acoustic Zen Matrix II and Hologram Interconnect
Thanks Dogmcd,Your review is very well written, informative and entertaining. I totally agree with you regading both what a gentleman Mr. Lee is and that his wires offer great performance at a reasonable price. I worked my way up his product line ... 
Wanted to share with GON members my new "JOB"
To everybody,Thanks to you all for your kind words and good cheer regarding my reviewing gig. I have commnicated and become very good friends with so many people because of this website. So, thanks again and we will keep the good times rolling her... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Hi Unsound,On a post by Grannyring a few days ago on this thread he paraphrased the esscence of George's position. Anyone not in agreement with either his theoretical prespective or did not think his LSA sounded better then any passive or active l... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Hi Charles1dad,Thanks for your comment. Really like the "pompous windbag" description about good old George! Mr. Tsuda is not only one of the highest regarded designers and builders of Japan, but is a total gentlemen on a personal level.I'm still ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Well Tony,You just got a taste of what I keep referring to as George's arrogant know it all attitude, this time towards a gentlemen we both respect, Mr. Masa Tsuda. The quote's from George's "tube gurus" particlarly the crack about, " you don't ha...