
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Dev, yes I know that you are waiting for your Vac monoblocks, congrats! Sounds like you finally found what you were looking for in these monoblocks. Dear friend, this time we will just have to agree to disagree. I have auditioned to very highly... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Rockitman, I'm very glad for you that the PS Audio pieces give you what you are looking for in your system. They also are quite cost effective for how they perform to what they cost.However, they don't compete sonicly on redbook when compared to D... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I agree that for the price the PS Audio pieces offer a good sonic performance, however they are no were close to the level of AA Tube reference DAC on redbook. I just again heard the latest generation PS Audio combo and fine it OK, but nothing to ... 
Review: Stage III Concepts Magnus Prime Cables Interconnect
Adstew,Thanks, I enjoyed reading your very informative and well written review. I used to use Stage 3 Concept's digital cable and found it quite good. To my ear's your new reference cables are very close in sonics, which means they just get out of... 
does it logical to invest on expensive transport?
I have in my collection over 7500 hundred redbook CDs, which I'm not going to download into a hard drive, therefore, my investment in a reference transport made perfact sense to me.If you don't have a large CD collection and down load your music i... 
Vintage Levinson DACs
Hi George,I can honestly say that I have never bought a new piece of gear because it's the latest and greatest. I'm always curious about new stuff, but take all the hype with a grain of salt. I have had now for close to four years my AA Tube Hybri... 
Vintage Levinson DACs
Sorry Guys, it's just personnal taste, but I beg to disagree, I had the reference ML DAC and transport pieces in my system for over five years and they were terrific at that time. However, what digital front end I have now in my system is so much ... 
Danny Boy - Recommendations
I highly recommend you get a copy of THE KERRY DANCERS AND OTHER SWINGING FOLK, by the late great Little Giant Johnny Griffin and his quartet on Riverside records.His version of Danny Boy/The Londonderry Air still brings tears to my eyes it's so b... 
subwoofer for Maggie 20.1
Nottop,Take a look at my review here on the GON on the ML subs I use with my MG-20's for details on setup and why they brought my whole system to a higher sonic level.Also, do you have your MG-20.1's on MyeSound stands, if not you really have not ... 
Psvane Reference versus Genalex Reissue 12ax7?
Hi Paul,Take my word on this one, neither of the tubes you mention come close to the sonic performance/beauty of the 12AX7 equivalent 5751 NOS tubes. They are really quite reasonable priced and have replaced in my system my very expensive NOS 12AX... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
First, for fun:Saint George continues his holy mission to slay the dragon of active linestages that spit forward the devilish sounds of "colourations/distortions" towards us poor audiophiles who have not seen the holy grail of sonic purity and tru... 
What stands for Mag 3.6's work well?
Take a look at my review here on the GON on Grant's wonderful Mye Stands. You will never really know what your 3.6's can offer you unless you put them on these stands. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
I quote, or at least paraphase, both the great Winston Churchill and Lewis Carroll about what this thread has turned into regarding its "deep" philosophical/epistemolical search to unlock the ultimate truth regarding this topic: " Never before in ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Fiddler, if you think I have been nefarious and bombastic towards George that's OK with me.I gave him credit for sharing information on his design and for helping people who own it get the best performance possible in their systems, sounds nefario... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Please Fiddler, accusation has such a negative and bombastic tone to it. The only example I will give of someone who has given so much to the DIY community is Nelson Pass, yet he has never on any post here on Audiogon marketed his wares or ever st...