
Responses from teajay

All I want is The Truth, just gimme some truth...
Sorry Clio09, I meant no direspect towards you personally. My choice of semantics,BS jive, was to imply that not to just share the difference in the sonic performance of the two passives and which is your personal choice in your system was a silly... 
All I want is The Truth, just gimme some truth...
Hi Clio09, I have always enjoyed your writing here on the GON and have respect for your vast experience and careful sharing of your opinions of different pieces of gear. However, please don't take this personal, your last paragraph on your post, i... 
Nagra CDT vesus Accustic arts Drive 2 reference
Hi Samhvcc, the AA drive II is an excellent sounding transport and is beautifully built. I had it untill it was replaced by a much more expensive MBL piece. I never have compared these two transports side by side, so I can't tell you if one is sig... 
Digital IC- I use Stealth Sextet- anything better?
Sutts, I have heard the K-S and the MIT cables and I still think the Sextet is the best cable I have yet heard. Can't comment on the Harmonic never heard it. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Paul, your right on the mark regarding the enjoyment of my system. I have heard/auditioned about another four DACs and found them to good, maybe different then the AA DAC, but not more musical or overall more pleasing to my tastes.Now that I ha... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Paul, now that I know you were talking about the Berkeley DAC, the answer is yes I auditioned it. I thought it was good, to me it was a type one DAC, and I still liked my AA Tube Hybrid much better and found it to be much more musical. Since all I... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Paul, I will admit my ignorance regarding the BDAC. I'm curious and would be interested in this DAC that you are asking about, please share some details regarding it. Thanks in advance. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Doggrell3000, here's the answers to your questions:1) I just recently listened to a very highend analogue front end, I know this is heresy to some, I liked my digital front end better.2) Nope never tried a hard drive in my system. 
Review: Acoustic Revive RR-77 Tweak
Hi Joe, I still use mine everyday and still believe it does everything stated in my review. Since I have had it,it it never is turned off, so that should answer your question regarding reliablity.Remember, its suppose to be at least five feet off ... 
Accustic Arts Drive One Mk II v Drive II
Yes, Dcgraves I have owned both pieces in the past. The Drive II was an improvement over the first generation transport, but a subtle % not a great change. I believe that for around the same price a used/demo MBL 1500 series transport,when used wi... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Dcgraves, congrats on your Berkeley DAC I'm glad you are enjoying it. Take a look at my comments on my system regarding the reference MBL transport that just replaced its baby brother in my system. I can honestly say, and I have heard virtually al... 
Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Just wanted to share that another USA reviewer, Micheal Wright, this month did a review on the AA Tube DAC and gave it a superlative total "thumbs up" for its sonic performance.Mike used to be a staff reviewer for the website, Stereo Times, he now... 
Parasound JC-1 still one of the leaders?
No disrespect to either Stanwal or Jdub39, however when I auditioned the JC-1 against the Pass Labs XA series amps in my system the Parasound amp did not compete with the XA-100's. Now with the new XA.5 series the lag is very wide indeed when it c... 
CEC TL0X cd transport
Fpooyandeh, I have had the pleasure to have what are considered two of the finest redbook transports ever built the CEC TLO mk11 and the reference MBL for auditon in my system. Either of them made any DAC I was using sound significantly better. So... 
Review: Concert Fidelity CF-080 Preamplifier
Just discovered another wonderful sounding tube for the CF-080 based on a Brent Jessee suggestion.This 12AU7 is a 1960's Amperex Medical Grade, which were very highly tested and graded for use in medical applications. They have the speed/punch/tra...