

Responses from tboooe

Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
I have been very interested in the new XA.5 amps for a while now. I have the XA160 and have a sneaking suspicion (unfounded though) that maybe they are a bit unpowered and perhaps an impedance mismatch for my pre. The new XA100.5 specs shows more ... 
Esoteric X-01 D2
Peter - Down the rabbit hole indeed!My wife will be delighted to know that I found yet another audiophile nut.As for my what rack I am using...I am a bit embarrassed to say that I am using s regular rack I purchased from Best Buy. My plan is to bu... 
Esoteric X-01 D2
Peter, $10K for a rack??? Hmmm...I cant say that I think that is too much. Give me a few minutes and I can justify almost any audio expense. That must be one heck of rack man. Hold on let me check it on the web...wow those are pretty cool looking ... 
Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H
marc, there are just so many cool components to listen to out there! Its hard to stay satisfied with only one. Unfortunately I can only afford to have one at a time but that does not mean I can swap out the one frequently! 
Esoteric X-01 D2
Peter, LOL. Man the last thing I need is another audiophile buddy urging me to upgrade. Believe me it does not take much for me to upgrade (as everyone can see by my threads here!). Seriously, I definitely want to upgrade my cdp. Right now I am co... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs Flora EX DT Line Preamplifier Tube preamp
teajay, I am intrigued especially given the price. Can you clarify, what ins and outs it has? Does it have truly balanced inputs and outputs? As Dpac996 mentioned, there appears to be only 1 pair of XLRs on the back. Is this for in or out? 
Esoteric X-01 D2
I have to agree that for some reason the Esoteric sounds great with tube preamps. I think I read somewhere that Teac uses ARC Ref 3 pres at shows when demonstrating their Esoteric cdps. Huntermusic, I auditioned the BAT 52se when it first came out... 
I respect everyone's opinion about the higher price of the Oyaide. Here is how I look at it. The Oyaide outlets are about $100. Compared to what I willingly spent on my other components, this is really nothing. After installing the outlets in my s... 
Esoteric X-01 D2
Peter, congrats on ordering the D2. I have only heard the X01ltd but I understand the D2 is superior. I love my Esoteric and hope to move up to either the D2 or the P3D3 soon. Please let me know what you think of it when it arrives. My feeling is ... 
I highly recommend Oyaide outlets. They make a variety which all have different sound characteristics. I use them in my system and cannot be happier. Make sure to have them cryo'd as well. For even better results consider changing out the male and... 
Promitheus TVC preamp
Very interesting review. I wonder how this unit will compare to much more expensive ones like my ARC Ref3. I wish I could demo a unit as I would like nothing more than to spend less than $700 for a preamp. Anyone want to let me know borrow a unit ... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
joey, I am still trying to arrange a demo. I am also going to try the Apex speaker cables as well. I will keep you updated. 
Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H
Zoran, you are right but what can I say, I like to upgrade a lot. The A21 was a pretty good amp though. Two years ago seems so long ago....Thanks again! 
Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H
newbee, thanks. I am actually trying to arrange a demo of the ARC Ref210 amps. Lets hope I dont like it! 
Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H
ARC recommends 20Kohm input impedance at least. My Pass is 22Kohms input impedance. Am I too close to the lower limit??? Would getting something with higher input impedance help? If so, in what ways can I expect a high input impedance to improve t...