
Responses from tbg

ELP laser turntable - any comments?
I think this turntable may be a technological tour de force ruined by mismanagement by the company. This would be too bad, as I always thought it had great potential.Eldartford, I think you are probably right about the benefits of the digital appr... 
More output from Analog set up, MC Transformer?
I am using the H-Cat phono and presently an Exemplar tube line stage. The H-Cat has MM and MC inputs with 40 and 60 db of gain respectively. There are provisions for a load from 47K ohms down. With the transformer, I am using 47K although it would... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
They recommend 3.5 grams,but Shindo Labs recommends 4 grams. When I get the modified cartridge, the tracking weight is to be 2.8 grams. 
ELP laser turntable - any comments?
I have heard this table on several occasions and have always loved the immediacy of the sound. The first time I heard it was about 15 years ago. It was in prototype and sounded exceptionally good until it encountered some dust. Most of us ducked. ... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
I am tracking my Ortofon SPU presently at 4 grams. None of my gauges goes beyond 3.5. Yes, I do remember 5 and 6 grams as well as tonearm that were quite substantial. 
One of the best tweeters ever, whatever happened?
Drrdiamond, I tried the Ionovacs with various horns, dynamic drivers, ribbons, and even double Quads. In every instance, like in my opinion of the Acapellas, the tweeter always stood out as truly great and unlike the rest ot the speaker.I once had... 
More output from Analog set up, MC Transformer?
I am presently using the only transformer that is an exception to the above post by Thomasheisig. It is the Auditorium 23 which is distributed by http://www.shindolabs.com/pages/1/index.htm. It is designed, I think, only for the Denon 103 and the ... 
One of the best tweeters ever, whatever happened?
I really don't think this was the best tweeter. The Ionovac plasmas were the best I hear. Ultimately Hill Plasmatronics tried to get plasma down into the midrange and Pass had a full range plasma that nearly killed him. The present plasma tweeter ... 
Looking for the best pre amp
You will get nothing but conflicting advice. I recommend the Exemplar Audio $2500 tube unit, but you will get the most holographic presentation with the solid state H-Cat, or at least I do and I have always preferred tubes. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Steve01s$, where did you get to hear them? I guess this is an instance where you really do not want to hear them, because once you have you are hooked. I have the LaCampenellas now and find them outstanding. Furthermore, at only 187 pounds each, t... 
Anyone Tried Audiotop Stylus Cleaner?
Yes, I have tried it. It is excellent giving greater transparency. Is it worth it? I cannot say as it depends on you. It is better than anything else I have used. I have not tried Mr. Clean. 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
Quick answer. Yes, it is excellent, but I bought the IsoClean system. 
Decca cartridge experiences
Johnnantais, it is a very long term comparison, but in my experience the Decca Jubilee tracted better than did my London Deccas of 25 years ago. I think then I used it on the Formula 4 and Keith Monks arms. I do think that spherical tips are easie... 
Decca cartridge experiences
The Garrott Brothers are dead. Perhaps their company lacks the expertise to re-tip cartridges. 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
Analogkid, my experience with the Meitner Dac6 predates their new transport. I have yet to hear this new transport in any good circumstance, but internet posts suggest it is substantially better than the old Phillips SACD1000 with mods. Again I ha...