
Responses from tbg

Idler wheel drive vs Belt
It makes a great difference if it is Euros, Pounds, or dollars. Pounds would be about twice as much for US buyers, and Euros about 40 percent more.These mods would have to have a very substantial effect to have the SP10 competitive with the top ta... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
Maybe at $73,000 but even then I doubt it. 
Equipment Set-up Recommendations?
Outlier, I almost forgot to add one experience I had. I have Mana stands, level 2, under my tt. I was having footfall problems. Lloyd Walker suggested a brace to the wall from well up on the rack. His argument was that the rack does not go up and ... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
Divo and C---, see the 6Moons project on the Garrard 301 refurbishing. 
Is SACD a dead format?
Cinematic, All several of us are suggesting is that newer units have made normal redbook much better and that we are sad to see sacd go, if indeed it goes. I suspect that universal players will be with us for many years even if sacd dwindles. I do... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
I agree, but additionally I think the mounting plinth is quite important. I have heard the Shindo Labs 301 versus other Garrard 301s. There is little to say, other than the Shindo sounds far superior. I grant that there are many other improvements... 
Idler wheel drive vs Belt
Having had the Dual, the Garrard 301, the Technics SP10, various Linn LP12s, the Forsell, the Walker, the Loricraft/Garrard 501 with the Schroeder, and once again a Garrard 301, I will say there is nothing like a rim drive. I say this although I h... 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
Vermeer, having heard both the Reimyo CDP 777 and the dac, I can only recommend selling the DAC and buying the CDP777. But you could buy a Denon 3910 and get a universal player while using its digital out into the Reimyo dac. 
Is SACD a dead format?
I used to think this was premature, such as suggesting that vinyl was dead which now is flurishing, but the latest universal players make redbook so go that I no longer really care. However, I have been buying a fortune in new sacds which would su... 
Is it worth purchasing the VPI 16.5?
There clearly are variation among record cleaners in their effectiveness. You may be satisfied with less effective cleaning or you may not. In part this probably depends on the quality of your vinyl front end. 
Equipment Set-up Recommendations?
You would not have the problem were you on a concrete floor. The walls and the ceiling also vibrate. Putting the tt in another room might help as well, if it is more free of vibrations. Putting great mass under it might help as well. A 700 pound c... 
Is it worth purchasing the VPI 16.5?
Because the string is replaced each time you use it and because the arm tracks the gooves, I would strongly recommend the LoriCraft record cleaner imported by Smart. I have owned several VPI and NG cleaners. In each instance where I further clean ... 
Paul Speltz speaker cables
Has anyone compared these to the twisted solid wires from Mapleshade. I keep a pair of these around for emergencies. 
What's after Supratek
Kirby, I apologize for my unfortunate statement, which I only vaguely recall. I guess that this opinion is one I hold but not one that I would normally express. I really am not out to sell the H-Cat but rather to get people to listen to it and mak... 
What's after Supratek
Zachzdb, did I ever say "the buyers must be idiots"? I hope not!