
Responses from tbg

Whats your "best of CES 2008"
The Exemplar server in LSA and FIM suites and the Blue Smoke server in Rockport and the Reference 3A Grand Veenas at THE Show. Most everything else was the usual disappointment of green equipment and poor rooms. I found nothing that much intereste... 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
I do think the room was poor; all those on these floors have partition walls and are hardly sonically isolated from those around them. 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
If Clement got the speakers for a good review, IMHO he got a bad deal. I could not stay in their room for 30 seconds. It was too loud and so distorted that I literally fled. 
Brand preference and opinions
Shsu, given what you said about the importance of resale, I would recommend that you buy Mcintosh. Although you will probably have to pay more than for comparable other products, you will be safe in resale. I don't know why you posted, however. 
Are passive preamps better?
Pubul57, I did try the Placette "Active" briefly and did like it better than the totally passive unit. I also thought there were better active line stages.I should say that I certainly have heard active units that were worse than the passives, the... 
Are passive preamps better?
Entrope, yes, you are correct. I don't really know whether anyone has ever measured this, so it is really a personal judgment or a comparative judgment. I find that I grow bored with the music using a passive, that I find myself not shaking my foo... 
Are passive preamps better?
Lynne, the "rule" is 1 to 10 (line stage output impedance to amp input impedance, so you should be okay. I cannot stand the lack of dynamics on passive volume controls and suspect that is the mismatching of the source output impedance through the ... 
Are passive preamps better?
I have tried five different passive units. Initially, I am always struck by the purity of the passives, but when I put in a quality active, I end up selling the passives. They have no pace or dynamics of live music. I seem, however, to be the exce... 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
When I had the Win strain gage cartridges, I understood why there was no need for RIAA, but I no longer recall this. Does anyone know why? Also, I remember Sao Win demonstrating the Stax CPX cartridge at CES. It was far and away the best vinyl sou... 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
Patrickamory, wow Tone Imports. They also import the EMT JPA-66, which I have heard. It gave a major improvement on the early LPs, such as the early 1950s, and 78s. It probably is more expensive than the Sentec. I just noticed that the Sentec is m... 
Is RIAA equalisation enough for Phono Stages?
Patrickamory, can you tell us more about the Sentec. I have not heard of it, nor can I google for it. 
Record Cleaning Machine
I have had 3 VPIs since they were first introduced. Initially, I bought a Nitty Gritty to compare with the first VPI with the wand in the lid. I sold the Nitty Gritty to a friend who still has it. I had had a Keith Monks string cleaner in the earl... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Well, Mrtennis, all I can say is that I have no formula. I began all of this interest in the middle 1960s. Since then I have had 27 different speaker systems, 21 amps, 19 preamps, 10 turntables, ? cartridges, and 47 different ac filters or isolati... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
This thread has taken a less threatening direction than most of those dealing with the usual "prove it sounds better" versus "I hear one is better" threads. I think this is largely because of Winstonsmith's use of DIY cables and good defense of th... 
James Randi vs. Anjou Pear - once and for all
Dlanselm, was this DBT a 30 sec. exposure same/different format? You seem happy to have seen the light. That is all that matters.